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间谍与黑客侵入。Espionage and hacking attempts.

不过,间谍活动还只是忧虑之一。But espionage is only one worry.

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中方在间谍问题上的立场是什么?What is China's position on the espionage issue?

它从事对以色列的间谍活动和恐怖主义。It engages in espionage and terrorism with Isreal.

此外,很多公司还面临着商业间谍活动的威胁。And then there's the threat of corporate espionage.

钟东凡间谍案的规模令人吃惊。The scale of Chung's alleged espionage is startling.

商业间谍罪的最高刑期可达7年。The maximum penalty for industrial espionage is 7 years.

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真是无所不可使用间谍。Indeed, there is no place where espionage cannot be used.

中国已经超过前苏联成为美国头号间谍敌人。Move over U.S.S.R., China is America’s espionage enemy No. 1.

汉利的早期生活也毫无进行间谍活动的迹象。Neither was there any hint of espionage in Hanley's early life.

那些所谓的俄罗斯特务还没有以间谍行为被起诉。The alleged Russian operatives have not been accused of espionage.

所有这些都不能彻底根除犯罪行为、间谍活动和网络空间的战争。None of this will eradicate crime, espionage or wars in cyberspace.

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基思·亚历山大解释美国将如何打击间谍活动和犯罪。Keith Alexander explains how the U.S. will fight espionage and crime.

在这件事情上,任何真实间谍的言论都是极其可笑的。"Any talk of real espionage in this case is ridiculous, " Golts says.

这是否意味着关于力拓间谍案正在进行更大范围的调查?Does this mean a wider scope of probe going on about the espionage case?

这段历史可说是王室谍报活动中独一无二的华章。The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage !

要违反间谍法案你甚至不必与他人共享这些文件。You don't even have to share the documents to violate the Espionage Act.

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他们尚未从事破坏活动或间谍活动即被逮捕。Before they could carry out acts of sabotage or espionage they were apprehended.

源自中国境内、但未明确受到中国政府指使的间谍活动算吗?Or espionage from within China, but not specifically directed by its government?

这种类型的工业间谍活动在国防工业内十分普遍。This type of industrial espionage is prevalent in the defense-related industries.