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好,这是一种经验主义。OK, so that's one kind of empiricism.

经验论的对立面是唯理论。Theopposite of empiricism is rationalism.

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经验论的对立面是唯理论。The opposite of empiricism is rationalism.

正是从这个意义上说,孔德抛弃了经验主义。It is in this sense that Comte repudiates empiricism.

哲学、知识论回到经验论。Philosophy and knowledge theory have returned to empiricism.

行动和尝试是经验主义的基石。Action and experimentation are the cornerstones of empiricism.

这个理由并不充分,犯了经验主义错误。This reason was not full, violates the empiricism to be wrong.

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他在经验论与唯理论之间开辟了第三条道路。He cut the third way between the empiricism and the rationalism.

另一种经验主义与我们从哪里获取知识有关。Another kind of empiricism has to do with where we get our knowledge.

在近代经验论、唯理论者那里,信念理论得以进一步延续。Belief theory is further extended in modern Empiricism and Rationalism.

所以罗蒂主张保留实用主义而把经验主义加以剔除。Because of this, Rorty claims reserve Pragmatism and give up Empiricism.

近代英国经验论的演变从根本上讲是其实体观的演变。The essence of Modern British empiricism lies in its theory on substance.

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目前在哲学和科学领域占统治地位的实证主义为新制图注入了动力。The empiricism that now dominated philosophy and science inspired new mapping.

尔勒·科夫不同,他开始和丹尼斯开始谈英国的经验主义。Erle Keefer, on the other hand, started talking about British empiricism with Dennis.

理性主义与经验主义作为一种认识论,原旨在于探求认识世界的途径与方法。The original purpose of rationalism and empiricism is to find ways to know the world.

坚持一切知识都来自于经验,这是经验论的基本原则。A basic principle of empiricism is to insist that all knowledge comes from experience.

洛克是近代经验主义集大成者,其思想影响深远。Locke is a modern age empiricism a generalization of, its thought influence is profound.

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英国经验主义美学家的美学研究转向了人的主观心理。The English empiricism aestheticians turn the study of beauty to the subjective of human.

然而,对W.V.O。奎因来说,这是一种过于狭隘的经验论概念。For W. V. O. Quine, however, this constitutes an overly "narrow" conception of empiricism.

赫尔姆霍茨的数学哲学思想表明了他的经验主义哲学思想。Helmholtz'thought of mathematical philosophy shows his philosophical thought of empiricism.