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金雀花,俗称农民的诅咒。Gorse. The farmers’ curse.

金雀花丛把她的马惊得猛然后退。Her horse shied violently at a gorse bush.

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这三天他们一直供应大白菜和白荆豆。They have been serving the Chinese cabbage and white gorse for three days.

还有,记住今天是你生日,你不能混到金雀花堆里去。And remember—it’s your birthday. You can’t go out there, in all that gorse.

两个冒险家浑身湿漉漉地打着寒噤,回到原先金雀花丛那里。Thoroughly drenched and chilled , the two adventurers returned to their position in the gorse.

他举目四顾,只见自己是在一片宽阔的公地上,一眼望去,地上星星点点缀满了金雀花和黑麦子。He looked about him and found he was on a wide common, dotted with patches of gorse and bramble as far as he could see.

你开始先往外走,突然河道蜿蜒,石楠花开,沙丘飞舞。You start walking out towards it, suddenly meandering through wispy hillocks, colorful gorse and heather, and scrapes of open sand.

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一匹飞奔的马,其后蹄踩着一只燕子,这一标志常见于风景点、宾馆或被雕刻在纪念品上。A galloping gorse alighting on a swallow with its rare hoof is a design one often sees at Chinese scenic spots, hotels or emblazoned on souvenirs.

橡树的新叶还未长出,遍地的黄水仙却开得十分灿烂,嫩黄的荆豆花四处招摇,山雀和画眉鸟清脆地鸣叫。The oaks are still leafless, but daffodils are out everywhere, the gorse is spattered with yellow blossoms, and the tits and thrushes are singing their hearts out.

外头并非春天,但山坡和草坪上星星点点都是金雀花,浓重醉人的花香飘进了打开的车窗。Outside in the world, it was not springtime, but the hills and paddocks were lit with bursts of gorse flowers, and the heavy drunken perfume came blowing through the open window of the car.