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神自管居于其天国。God's in his heaven.

上天堂还是入地狱?In heaven or in hell?

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天河神生下来了。The heaven river god.

天造地设的一对。A match make in heaven.

天若有情天亦老。Day if heaven also old.

她是在天庭被创造的。She was made in heaven.

苍天给我的处罚?Heaven to my punishment?

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您是从天上掉下来的!Did you fall from heaven?

我飞向梦想的天际。I fly to heaven dreaming.

这就是天母梅烟。The heaven mother Meiyan.

赞化天地、道法自然。Zanhua heaven and nature.

如果他们两个去天庭。If they two are in heaven?

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它将人们摒弃于天堂之外。It debars men from heaven.

一沙一世界,一花一天堂。Puts all Heaven in a Rage.

天军天使遥相呼应。From heaven in answer rang.

昊天上帝、则我不虞。God, from Thy great heaven.

地狱天堂路遥遥。From the hell to the heaven.

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哭得天塌下。Heaven, heaven falling down.

那真成了购物者的天堂了。It'll be a shopper's heaven.

你认为天堂是什么样子?What do you think heaven is?