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这个病人已经在等死了。The patient is waiting to cross the Styx.

冥河龙意为“来自冥河长着角的恶魔”。Stygimoloch means "horned devil from the Styx."

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妻也空,子也空,黄泉路上不相逢。Wife are empty, son of space, would not meet the Styx.

冥河将这一地域分割为两大部分。The river Styx divides the level into two main regions.

丹尼-高奇和克里斯阿伦表演了“离经叛道”。Danny Gokey and Kris Allen performed "Renegade" by Styx.

同时,冥河对于位面间的旅行却起着极大的帮助作用。Still, the Styx is useful for travel from plane to plane.

当她几乎绝望的时候,她坐到冥河岸边。When she had almost given up hope she sat by the River Styx.

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穿越冥河的旅程将不仅是在黑暗世界的一次风景旅游。This trip through Styx is not just a scenic walk through the park.

有时,他爬到冥河岸上,观看大地。Sometimes he climbed to the banks of the River Styx to look at the Earth.

朝鲜部署各种型号的苏制“冥河”系列导弹,包括中国的海鹰-2型。North Korea operates various versions of the Soviet Styx missile including the Chinese HY-2 version.

就连灰色石板路面都是干燥破裂的,同冥河很接近。Even the slate grey stone ground is dry and cracked despite being in close proximity to the river Styx.

她双手紧抓著阿基里斯的脚跟,将儿子的身体浸泡在冥河之中,好让他全身刀枪不入。Holding onto Achilles' heel, Thetis dipped her son in the River Styx to make him invincible to weapons.

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虽然所有低层位面的生物都知道冥河,但却无人能说出它的发源地与它的尽头。No one knows where it rises and no one knows where it ends, but all the Lower Planes know the River Styx.

那些新鲜的幽魂,在他们前往审判前,将从冥河的沼泽进入失落灵魂之城。The fresh shade, on the path to judgment, steps out of the marshes of the Styx into the City of Lost Souls.

在一个漆黑恐怖的夜晚,我独自走在忘川河边,眼前便是奈何桥,它静静的等待着,注视着,狞笑着。In a blind scary night, I wander lonely on the bank of Styx. The Dead Bridge is in front of me, waiting, watching and laughing.

有些人在此看到沉没的亚特兰蒂斯,有些人则看到了隔离生死世界的地下冥河。Some people see sunk Atlantis here and some – underground river Styx which divided World of the living from the World of the dead.

在冥河缓慢流动的表面之下,它的暗流的流动却异常迅速,暗藏杀机,过往的船只与游泳的人经常被吸入其中。Beneath its sluggish surface, the currents of the Styx are swift and dangerous, often sucking down boats or pulling swimmers under.

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我会讨厌看到这家伙消失的。冥河龙意为“来自冥河长着角的恶魔”。据霍纳所说,它可能也是肿头龙。I would hate to see this one go. Stygimoloch means "horned devil from the Styx." It could again just be Pachycephalosaurus, according to Horner.

所以维纳斯交给普绪客更多不可能实现的任务,比如取来某种暴躁的羊的金色羊毛,还有得到冥河的黑水。So Venus gave Psyche more impossible tasks, such as to fetch the golden wool of some fierce sheep and to obtain black water from the river Styx.

地下湖。有些人在此看到沉没的亚特兰蒂斯,有些人则看到了隔离生死世界的地下冥河。Underground lake. Some people see sunk Atlantis here and some – underground river Styx which divided World of the living from the World of the dead.