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我从事康复护理。I perform rehabilitation nursing.

他们马上能开始复原。They can start the rehabilitation immediately.

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大战以后接着而来的是重建问题。After the war came the problem of rehabilitation.

柬埔寨重建和发展管理局。The Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board.

所以就有了毛以后中国对企业家的平反。That explains their rehabilitation in post-Mao China.

乌干达娃娃兵康复计划Rehabilitation programmes for child soldiers in Uganda

另外一个康复后回到家乡,把标签的工作。Also a Getting back into work after rehabilitation tab.

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脑性瘫痪康复的主要途径探讨。Comprehensive rehabilitation therapy for cerebral palsy.

真是口是心非得无以复加。It was no duplicity in order to increase rehabilitation.

复健科,供应室,厨房,交谊厅。Rehabilitation Division, Supply Center, Kitchen, Lounge.

在我们市,有一个很好的反毒计划。In my city, there is a very good drug rehabilitation program.

刑事犯的恢复声誉可能包括三个截然不同的含义。Rehabilitation of prisoners may carry three distinct meanings.

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从那时起,他们就一直在军方的康复中心。Since then, they've been in an army-run rehabilitation centre.

弗格森爵士说约克人的康复计划进展顺利。Sir Alex says the Yorkshireman's rehabilitation is going well.

从而为康复老年病提供有利的条件。Geriatric rehabilitation so as to provide favorable conditions.

乐施会已提供紧急援助金。Oxfam has provided funds for emergency and rehabilitation work.

物理治疗学及康复护理学博士,罗亚尔欧克,密歇根州Physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor, Royal Oak, Michigan

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结果术后严格的康复治疗取得了满意的临床效果。Results The rehabilitation treatment after TKR is very satisfied.

接下来他帮助猴子度过了一段漫长的康复期。He then guided the monkey through a lengthy rehabilitation period.

适当地隐蔽一下很可能是通往恢复名誉目的地的第一步。An opportune absence might be the first step toward rehabilitation.