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娃娃的眼睛是天蓝色的。The doll's eyes tinted azure.

我看见太阳照耀在清朗的天空中。I saw the sun out of a clear azure sky.

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清朗蔚蓝的天空中阳光明媚。The sun shone out of a clear azure sky.

蔚蓝色天空中飘浮着朵朵白云。In the azure sky are some fleecy clouds.

而且都生满青苔、开满花朵All overgrown with azure moss and flowers

在这里,你看到过湛蓝色的天空吗?Have you ever seen azure skies in Beijing?

碧空无云,预示着一个好天气。Azure skies are indicative of good weather.

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直等到春天,你碧空的姊妹吹起Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow

正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星。They were like bright pearls and star in an azure sky.

正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星。They were like bright pearls or stars in an azure sky.

我是云,我悠悠地飘荡在蔚蓝色的天空下。I am a cloud, I am floating leisurely in the azure sky.

宛如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天中的星星。They were like bright pearls and stars in an azure sky.

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当我们来到海边,那湛蓝的海洋会让我们流连忘返。When we come to the beach, azure sea that makes us linger.

公寓旗帜是一头在天蓝色背景下两腿站立的狮子。The apartment flag is gold lion rampant on a field of azure.

湛蓝的天空,蔚蓝的大海,简直是水天一色。The azure sky, the blue sea, they simply merged into one color.

海上风平浪静,海水很快就变成了蔚蓝色。Seas were calm and within a short time turned azure blue in color.

我们第一个淡黄色、紫色和天蓝色系列已经售罄。We sold out of our first run of pistachio , violet and azure blue.

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基调是一片蔚蓝,蓝色的马赛克、灰蓝色的地砖。Fundamental key is one azure , the floor tile of blue mosaic, bice.

秋天,乌苏里江像蔚蓝色的海,清澈透明。In autumn, Wusuli River is like an azure sea, lucid and transparent.

Manuvir也解释了Azure目前所具有的地理位置功能。Manuvir also explained that Azure is also now capable of Geo-Location.