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我草,真他妈的经典!I grass, really he mother sutra !

我和大家分享此心经。I share the Heart Sutra with you.

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因此,在这部佛经之中,我说偈子道。So, in this sutra , I say in agatha.

你知道人们在什麽时候默念真经?Do you know when people recite the Sutra?

家家有本难念的佛经!Every family has a sutra that hard to read!

在十七年当中,我是从华严经入净土的。I lectured on this sutra for seventeen years.

大乘涅磐佛经发现了涅磐。Mahayana Nirvana sutra find out about Nirvana.

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地藏十王图画圈,现存大英博物馆。Sutra of the Ten Kings, now in British Museum.

只剩页页经书扰起一股悲风。The leaves of the sutra Merely stir a sad wind.

又要你们这些弟子学习、熟背,奉若经典。He asked you to study, remember and look it as sutra.

我们将从大般若涅磐经它自己开始。We shall start with the Mahaparinirvana Sutra itself.

他进了屋,在神龛前念了经文。He entered and recited a sutra before the family shrine.

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西夏文佛经是从汉语翻译来的。Tangut version of the Sutra was translated from Chinese.

两道晨风中的经幡搭起通向天空的桥。Sutra streamer in the wind make the bridge to the heaven.

祂是佛经里说的“我”,而肉身是佛经里说的“无我”。The Qi is 'ego' in sutra and the flesh body is 'non-ego'.

卡马经文对不同的人有着不同的意味。The Kama Sutra means different things to different people.

二十八年春,郑居士又经青岛去平度县讲经。Cheng went to Pingtu, via Tsintao, to lecture on the sutra.

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它源于一部古老的佛经,叫作慈经。It's from an ancient Buddhist text, called the Metta Sutra.

鸡足莲花山金刚塔座受持梵网经菩萨心地法门品。Receiving the heart of brahma net sutra in jizulutos mountain.

佛经文献训诂中并不仅有词义训释的问题。Vocabulary is not the only problem in Buddhist sutra exegesis.