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这条鱼的尾鳍受伤了。The fish's tail fin was hurt.

中国立法委员呼吁禁止鲨鱼翅交易。Lawmaker urges shark fin trading ban.

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第一部分,进行了减摇鳍设计工作。The first, the design of fin stabilizer.

八名扶翼,身有肉翅。Eight supporting wings, there is a fin meat.

尾翼-安装水平安定面、垂直安定面。Empennage-Install Stabilizer and Vertical Fin.

他是橙色的,身体的一边有一只鳍有些残缺。He's orange and has got a gimpy fin on one side.

长须鲸是实际上第二大的动物。Fin whales are the world's second largest animal.

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变成海豚之后,再把武器刀变成海豚的鳍。Become a dolphin, weapons knife into a dolphin fin.

一只铜翅乌,颜色真好,头嘴还可以。A copper fin Ukraine, color nice, the first mouth can.

一个高高的骨状鱼鳍正划破水面,向他追来。A high bony fin was cutting through the water toward him.

小船里有几条黄色长须金枪鱼。Inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna.

翅子是招待贵宾时才选用的菜肴。Shark fin is only served when dinning with honored guests.

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她的仿生鳍就像个舵,用来保持平衡。Her prosthetic fin acts like a rudder and keeps her stable.

它的背鳍就在我的前面,我尖声呼救。Its dorsal fin was in front of me. I was screaming for help.

尾翼包括水平尾翼和垂直尾翼。Including the horizontal stabilizer fin and the vertical fin.

一些华裔政客也支持针对鱼翅的这项禁令。Some Chinese-American politicians supported the shark fin ban.

它的脊鳍向下耷拉着,巨大的胸鳍大张着。His dorsal fin was down and his huge pectorals were spread wide.

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它的脊鳍朝下耷拉着,巨大的胸鳍大张着。His dorsal fin was down and his huge pectorals were spread wide.

那张美丽的支票在我去欧洲时终于兑现了。That beautiful cheque was fin ally cashed when I visited Europe.

帆状的第一背鳍在游动时提供了稳定性。Its sail-like first dorsal fin provides stability while swimming.