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印度烤饼基本上是来自?。Naan is typically from?

通常是晚上10点。Typically I finish about 10 p.m.

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那是典型的回避行为。That’s typically evasive behaviour.

EHE是一种典型的缓慢型癌症。EHE is typically a slow-moving cancer.

它是一个典型的三步骤过程。This is typically a three-step process.

一般是提前一个月。We'd be typically within a month ahead.

我们会修改日程。We'd be typically refining the schedule.

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对我来说,麦片通常象征着什么?What do oats typically symbolize for me?

深红色是凤爪的代表色。Fung zau are typically dark red in color.

方钻杆旋转器典型地采用气动方式。The kelly spinner is typically pneumatic.

一般只有五个人能获得常久性职位。Typically only five get a permanent slot.

BMI值的正常范围通常是18.5-24.9。Normal BMI ranges are typically 18.5-24.9.

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这个组成通常有三层。The composition is typically three tiered.

委托人也是贡献者。Committers are typically also Contributors.

是两件事情的组合,测试和推理。It's typically a combination of two things.

它们通常是人工受精。They are typically artificially inseminated.

该案是一个典型的预谋杀人案。This case is typically a cold-blooded murder.

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中国大约采购美国总产量的五分之一。China typically buys a fifth of the U.S. crop.

典型的这类皮疹如麻疹样疹。Most typically these eruptions are morbilliform.

一般情况下,每天有两场3小时左右的会议。There are typically two 3-hour meetings per day.