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我和曾加的关系?My rapport with Zenga?

你与加图索的关系?Your rapport with Gattuso?

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首先,什么是假设友好关系?Now, what is assuming rapport?

马克和谭雅已经建立起了融洽的关系。Mark and Tanya have established rapport.

这是建立和谐关系的最佳途径。It's the perfect way to establish rapport.

这有助于建立导演与演员间的互动。This helps establish a rapport with the actors.

你需要先建立起某种友好关系。You need to establish some sort of rapport first.

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她迷上你的那一刻就会想打破融洽。The minute she is hooked youwant to break rapport.

那样的话你能和顾主之间产生信赖感并且友爱的相处。That way you can build trust and rapport with them.

他表示,美军的训练得到了回报----这儿的融洽就说明了这一点。Training from U.S. toops has paid off, he says, in building a rapport.

融洽是让社会的一切活动顺畅进行的润滑剂。Rapport is the lubricant that allows social exchanges to flow smoothly.

对园艺共同的兴趣使莫利及洛雷塔关系更密切了。A common interest in gardening brought Molly and Loretta into closer rapport.

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保持良好关系并不意味着你得去造谣八卦或卖弄风骚以取悦他人。Good rapport does not mean you have to entertain rumor mongering and flirting.

在过去的时间里,你对她十分尊重,并且与她建立了稳固而融洽的关系。You’ve been respectful in the past and have established a solid rapport with her.

我们可以想象得到初次见面的妇女之间是怎样快速建立起这种联系的。We can see how quickly rapport develops between women who meet for the first time.

要和陌生人建立融洽的人际关系的关键就是要明白“人以群分,物以类聚”。The key to establishing rapport with strangers is to learn how to become like them.

尽管有如此多的危机,但是两国还是想方设法维持双方的友好关系。But with so much at stake, the two nations have tried to keep their rapport cordial.

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请和你的主刀医生做诊询。某些诊所你见到的将是一些所谓的顾问。Make sure you are comfortable with the personal rapport between you and your surgeon.

通过与员工一对一的交流,将建立其与他们融洽和他们对你的信任。By interacting with employees on a one-on-one basis, you will build rapport and trust.

建立良好的师生关系需要时间,也需要双方相互体谅。Building up a good student-teacher rapport takes time and consideration from both parties.