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领导人互相寒暄一番,然后开始谈判。After an exchange of pleasantry the leader start their negotiation.

米拉公寓如同一个外壳,一座堡垒,但是这堡垒自有其内部的欢乐。Casa Milà is a carapace, a fortress, but a fortress of domestic pleasantry.

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帕格一时不知所措,而后意识到这种叫人吃不消的取笑是存心表示亲热。Nonplussed for a moment, Pug realized that the heavy pleasantry was intended as a kindness.

伊丽莎白尽量凑着父亲打趣,可是她的笑容显得极其勉强。Elizabeth tried to join in her father's pleasantry , but could only force one most reluctant smile.

我去那儿之前很好奇,我所见的一切让我既愉悦又吃惊。I was very curious to visit South Africa, and I have been pleasantry surprised by what I have seen.

好奇心和玩笑都来自一种洒脱的趣味和随意的绘画方式,又随着这些似乎荒诞不经的生活。Both curiosity and pleasantry come from his free and flexible painting style, and elapse with a life style marked by fantasy.

许多年来,墓地雇他做杂差,而他最得意的玩笑就是他认识“墓地里的每个幽灵”。For many years Jess had been employed about the cemetery as a man-of-all-work and it was his favourite pleasantry that he knew 'every soul in the place.'

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然而,从经验上我们知道,什么样的幽默在大多数场合下能够让我们发笑,我们看到,以上的这种类型就是。We have learned, however, from experience, what sort of pleasantry is upon most occasions capable of making us laugh, and we observe that this is one of that kind.

马吕斯正在苦闷中,没有心情来和偶然的恶作剧认真,也不打算投入这场仿佛是由街头的石块出面邀请他参加的游戏。Marius was too melancholy to take even a chance pleasantry well, and to lend himself to a game which the pavement of the street seemed desirous of playing with him.

奥巴马先生直率地指责中国低估了货币,开了合乎习俗的玩笑----见到胡时他说“很高兴又见到你”。Mr. Obama bluntly accused China of undervaluing its currency and offered the customary pleasantry — “It is wonderful to see you again” — in his meeting with Mr. Hu.

派里尼老板一定觉得这种玩笑未免太讨苦吃了,因为他对这些问题只回答了一半,而且是向弗兰兹说的,只有弗兰兹似乎还象是在用心听他讲话似的。Doubtless Signor Pastrini found this pleasantry compromising, for he only answered half the question, and then he spoke to Franz, as the only one likely to listen with attention.