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没有更多貉的眼睛!No more raccoon eyes!

浣熊市?。Raccoon city? biohazard?

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谁不喜欢一个浣熊呢?Who doesn’t like a raccoon?

这是浣熊的骨头。Here is the one of the raccoon.

“我在想下次应该试一下浣熊,”她说。"I'm thinking of trying a raccoon next time, " she said.

马的d/l值,只是浣熊的1。5倍。is only about one and a half times larger than the raccoon.

这盘带子,是前浣熊市7频道主播泰瑞莫拉斯拍摄的。This tape, work of former Raccoon 7 anchorwoman Terri Morales.

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卡塞尔仍然是欧洲浣熊扩散的主要城市。Kassel remains the capital city of raccoon expansionism in Europe.

浣熊妈妈看着奇奇跳过树枝,进入学校。Mrs. Raccoon watched Chester scamper across a tree limb and enter school.

我的母亲,萨佛瑞,一只美丽的巴厘猫,前世曾是一只浣熊。My mother, Saffire, a beautiful Balinese cat, was a raccoon in her last life.

德威森说,“很小的幼鹿样子,也许貉子大小的身材,没有角”。"A tiny little deer maybe the size of a raccoon and noantlers, " Thewissen said.

一只浣熊几个月前跑到我的垃圾堆里面,并在周围到处乱走。A raccoon got into our garbage a few months ago, and spread it around everywhere.

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最后洛山玑警察来了,两个小时后带进来一只被打的够戗的浣熊。Then the LAPD goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten raccoon.

洛杉矶警察局的人进去了。两小时后他们出来了带着一个被殴打的浣熊。Then the LAPD goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten raccoon.

美洲蜜熊,一种浣熊样宠物从主人家逃出来,反复咬伤老妇。Kinkajou a raccoon -like pet escapes from home and repeatedly bites elderly miss. woman.

贪吃是七宗罪之一。又一只小浣熊逃脱了地狱之门。Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. Another raccoon passes through the gates of hell.

人民在这些动乱地区很快会遭遇到另一场像涣熊市的事故是不可避免的。People in the destabilized areas soon feared another incident like Raccoon City was inevitable.

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本文对15只正常貉胫骨骨髓细胞进行了观察和分类计数。Bone marrow cells in the shank of 15 Raccoon Dogs were observed and counted in the present paper.

我弯腰捧了几把喝下去,然后看到一只浣熊的尸体浮在不远处。I bent down and drank a few hefty handfuls only to look up and see a dead raccoon floating near me.

在北美洲有六个陆生动物基因型,包括浣熊病毒基因型。In North America, there are six terrestrial animal genotypes, including the raccoon virus genotype.