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连畜棚都井然有序。Even the barn was shipshape.

我们尽量保持船井井有条。We try to keep the ship shipshape.

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他出远门时,我把房子收拾得整整齐齐。I get the house all shipshape while he is away.

他不在的时候,我把房子打扫得乾乾净净,整整洁齐。I get the house all shipshape while he is away.

环境不整洁我是无法开始工作的。I can't start work unless everything is shipshape.

六个粘性吸管被粘住了。但是船还是很整洁干净的,先生。Six sticky sucker sticks. Sure the ship's shipshape , sir.

春季大扫除之后一切都整整齐齐。After spring cleaning , all was shipshape and bristol fashion.

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如果一家整洁干净船库可以存放六艘整洁干净旧船。If a shipshape ship shop stocks six shipshape shop-soiled ships.

当没有足够空间时,保持整洁就更重要了。It's more important to keep everything shipshape when there isn't enough space.

他瞅了四周一眼,“这个院子,是她的骄傲与快乐,她喜欢把它弄得井井有条。”He glanced around. 'This courtyard was her pride and joy and she liked to keep it shipshape.

木地板的光亮显和整洁干净,但直线形在冬天非凡需要改变单一的样子。The brightness of wooden floor is shown and shipshape , but straight onefold pattern is changed in special in the winter need.

如果一个井然有序的船仓库存了六只陈列船,那么六个井然有序的船仓库能放置多少只陈列船?If a shipshape ship shop stocks six shipshape shop-soiled ships, how many shipshape shop-soiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock?

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一家把一切都摆得井然有序的造船厂整整齐齐的排列着长期存放的旧船,那么六家摆得井然有序的造船厂可存放几艘排列整齐,长期存放的旧船。If a shipshape ship shop stocks six shipshape shop-soiled ships, how many shipshape shop-soiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock?

一天早晨,我们到达了在去穆斯区的学校,孩子们都光脚但穿着整齐划一的制服。We arrived at Qumusea District School one morning as the children, barefoot but in shipshape uniforms, filed into the clean cinderblock classrooms.

为了让访问者参观,男孩子们的大寝室弄得很整洁。它要比我们以前看到的更加整洁。The large room where the boys slept was all shipshape and Bristol fashion for the visitors inspection. It was tidier than I had ever seen it before.

由客卧改造的衣帽间,女主人自称有藏东西的喜好,其实是喜欢家里井井有条,整洁干净。Lie by the guest transformed cloakroom, goodwife professes to have the love that hides a thing, it is to like the home actually in in perfect order, shipshape.

等到院中一圈儿都摆满了泥土之后,这些人又开始把这些泥土整平整细,然后浇透水。After waiting until a rotate of sons in hospital to all put is full mud, these people another starting chase these mud whole shipshape thin, then sprinkle profoundly water.

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有一个书柜引起了我们的注重,几排书册整整洁齐,有厚有薄,没有普通的书脊、封面,都是用黄色的纸张包装,标题是打印的。A bookcase caused our attention, a few book book are shipshape , have thick have thin, without common spine of a book, cover, it is to use maize paper to pack, headline is printed.

如果在七月内你不能完成这些事情,你将会在9月得到帮助。随着年末假期的到来,你的公寓或者房子会变得井然有序。If you can't get things done in July, you will have more help from the planets in September, so by time the holidays arrive at year's end, your apartment or house can be shipshape.

亲爱的,我今天才知道老板可真器重我,他要我在他渡假时主管业务,因为他知道我会把一切管得井井有条、顺顺当当的。Honey, I learned today the boss really trusts me a lot. He told me he's leaving me in charge while he goes away on vacation because he knows I'll keep things shipshape and running smoothly.