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我的短裤把大腿磨得生疼。My shorts were chafing my thighs.

我们用暖锅烧咖啡。We made coffee in a chafing dish.

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平缝边缝减少摩擦,当您移动。Flat seam side seams reduce chafing as you move.

请确认您已火锅菜或热板。Make sure you have chafing dishes or hot plates.

杰克,你看这只很古老的铜水锅。Joky, Look at this very old bronze chafing hot pot.

他们因公共汽车连续晚点而不耐烦。They are chafing at the continuing delays of the buses.

检查软管是否有凹坑,纽结,变形或擦伤。Examine the host for dents, kinks, deformation or chafing.

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开发商对保障房的薄利感到头疼。Developers are chafing at thin margins for low-income housing.

若有必要,须提供绝缘套以防止接线摩擦。Insulating bushes shall be provided where necessary to prevent the chafing of wiring.

汤底是炖煮一小时的牛奶加蘑菇加高汤鸡粉。The Milk chafing dish is stew the mushroom and chicken soup-stock powder for 1 hours.

有一些跑步者更喜欢穿弹力的自行车短裤,以防止腿部擦伤。Some runners prefer to wear spandex bike shorts to prevent chafing between their legs.

如果你之前从未得到由跑步引起的擦伤,那么你很幸运。If you've never experienced running-related chafing before, consider yourself very lucky.

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宽松的跑步服也会引起擦伤,所以最好穿紧身的跑步服。Chafing can be caused by loose running clothing, so it's better to wear clothes that are snug.

全家震惊,黄成对高飞的擅做决定大为恼怒,黄母更是勃然大怒。The family, make a decision of the yellow fly in pairs, chafing yellow mother hit the ceiling.

你需要的是无缝面料,轧边或有盖接缝等帮助减少摩擦的面料。You'll want seamless fabrics, seams with rolled edges, or covered seams to help prevent chafing.

要预防擦伤和舒适,要找像Coolmax和Drifit这样的排汗面料。For chafing prevention and comfort, look for moisture-wicking fabrics such as Coolmax and Drifit.

店里还有一种给烤鸭保温的器皿,上面打了五个眼,形成奥运的五环标志。It also has chafing dishes for warming the duck punched with the five holes of the Olympic insignia.

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以重庆火锅、成都火锅为代表的巴蜀火锅遍布全国。Bashu chafing dish represented by Chongqing and Chengdu Chafing dish is spreading all over China now.

其次,可以观察火锅店内端上来的麻辣锅底。Can observe the spicy pot of bottom that the chafing dish terminal inside the store comes up secondly.

皮肤发炎是由于重复的动作引起的--特别地,皮肤磨蹭松散的组织或者其他皮肤。Chafing is caused by repeated motion -- specifically, skin rubbing against loose fabric or other skin.