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它应该在斜对面。It should be diagonally opposite.

那就是这条对角线了。That means I'm going to go diagonally like this.

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换上备用轮胎,以对角形式扭紧螺丝。Change to spare tire diagonally form twist screw.

它就在汽车站的斜对面。It's diagonally across the street from the bus stop.

然后在你的斜对面挑一个没人的位置坐下来。After that, I will pick up to sit diagonally opposite you.

一格的周围相邻八格与该格不能是相同数字。Diagonally neighbouring cells cannot contain the same digit.

亮点,斜置的外墙似乎被强调了。Lighted up, the diagonally positioned outer wall seems emphasized.

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使用渐变工具,从左上角拖动以较低角斜。Use Gradient tool, drag from top corner to lower corner diagonally.

安装采油树是要对角上紧螺栓。Make up and tighten the bolts diagonally when the X-tree is installed.

接穗的基部被切成斜形,暴露出椭圆形的大圈形成层。The base of scion is cut diagonally to expose a large oval of cambium.

材料被对角剪开而非直线裁开。Material that is cut on the cross is cut diagonally rather than straight.

最快把五颗棋子或横或纵或斜连在一起便能取胜!Be the first to connect five pieces horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

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上碟,以斜切红辣椒片及九层塔叶装饰。Dish up and garnish with diagonally sliced red chili and sweet basil leaves.

他对角的穿戴在一件背心上的一件深红色的夹克有斑纹的在黑色的和银。He wore a crimson jacket over a vest striped diagonally in black and silver.

这样的光带在上图可见一条向右上升的对角线。Such a glow is visible rising diagonally up to the right in the above image.

然后在你的斜对面挑一个没人的位置坐下来。And then you pick one of the diagonally opposite position no one to sit down.

开始与结束是斜对面的地方你想结婚的。Start with the end that is diagonally opposite to where you want the knot to be.

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这些波浪呈对角线在布局中移动,看上去有点像纸风车。These waves move diagonally across the universe and look a little like pinwheels.

我按照自己的思路排列了顺序,不过,你可以根据自己的喜好有选择性地阅读。I put it allin the best order I could, but you can read it diagonally if you like.

优雅的钢轨栏杆不再剪辑后通过时,放在对角线。The Elegant Rails railing no longer clips through the post when placed diagonally.