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仅适用于金属辅料。For metal accessories only.

目录马克兰摩托车配件。Accessories guide Markram motorcycle.

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我最喜欢的配件是耳饰。My favorite accessories are earrings.

购买MP3播放梅莫雷克斯MP3配件。Buy MP3 Player Accessories Memorex mp3.

莫帕尔肌肉汽车零部件及配件。Mopar muscle car parts "and" accessories.

通过其他配件,可附于墙上。Wall mountable with supplied accessories.

宏宇塑机配件五金有限公司。Hongyu presses accessories hardware firms.

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衣服需要创业,帽子不用。Clothes required OFB ep, hat is accessories.

忍痛买下诸多精品。Have withstood pain to buy many accessories.

我女朋友喜欢买一些小饰品。My girlfriend likes to buy some accessories.

丝杠防护罩是起重机的一种配件。Screw shield is a kind of crane accessories.

我们要采购宠物衣服和配件。We want to buy Pets Apparels and Accessories.

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你可以在需要的时候再添置这些物品。You can add in accessories whenever you want.

滑轮组是起重配件的一种。Pulley group is a kind of lifting accessories.

那这一季流行的配饰是什么呢?。What's the fashion in accessories this season?

平均每月你会花多少钱于饰物上?。How much do you spend on accessories per month?

搜购精品已达千元之数。I have bought over thousand dollars accessories.

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专门加工轧钢机配件。Specialized processing rolling mill accessories.

衣服或配件可能只是其中之一。Clothing or accessories may be just one of those.

滑线轮是起重配件的一种。Slip-line round is a kind of lifting accessories.