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我真系钟意旅行。I really like traveling.

我愿意骑自行车旅行。I tike traveling by bike.

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巡行在空旷的宇宙。Traveling in empty space.

旅行时,我是最快乐的。I am happiest while traveling.

哎呦,你遇见她时是在时间旅行吗?Ouch. Were you time traveling?

摩根微服私访。P. Morgan traveling incognito.

旅游是我最大的赏心乐事。Traveling is my chief delight.

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到底是什么阻碍了旅行?What stops you from traveling?

是啊。我是去了不少地方。我喜欢旅行。Yes, I have. I love traveling.

乘飞机旅行可以节省时间。Traveling by air is time-saving.

外出旅行时如何防虫?What about when you're traveling?

然后我们为旅行准备着。Then we prepared for the traveling.

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那么虫洞旅行是否可靠呢?And the traveling through wormholes?

唱针正循着唱片纹路移动。The stylus is traveling in a groove.

特纳一家正坐火车旅行。The Turners are traveling on a train.

我有一个手提箱和一个旅行包。I have a suitcase and a traveling bag.

点也不,事实上我喜欢旅行。Not at all. In fact, I like traveling.

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火车正全速前进。The train was traveling at full speed.

伏尔加,一心“庄”点你的游“园”梦。Volga, decorates your traveling dream.

他的照相簿在旅游的时候丢失了。He lost his photo album when traveling.