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它反映了诸量之间的一种链式的连系。It reflects a chain-like interconnection between quantities.

协调并网政策和设备采购计划。Align interconnection policies with utility procurement plans.

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因此,这项行动计划反映了这种相互关联的现实。So the initiative reflects the reality of this interconnection.

进线开关、环网馈线开关的联锁关系。Interconnection switch and loop network feeder switch are analyzed.

纵观历史,音乐的社会互联作用随处可见。M usic's interconnection with society can be seen throughout history.

此外,还研究了联络线对系统互联时的影响。The effect of the linking line on the interconnection is also studied.

提出了一种新颖的自由空间微光学互连模块。A novel micro-optical crossover interconnection package has been proposed.

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来到游击队,楚团长和白丛雪互接暗号。Came to the guerrillas, chu head and Bai Cong snow interconnection of codes.

为简单起见,用千兆铜线以太网电缆提供集群的内部连接。For simplicity, copper gigabit Ethernet cable provides cluster interconnection.

以不同频率运行的两个交流系统之间的联结。An interconnection between two A. C. systems operating at independent frequencies.

本文对高性能计算机互连网络中的死锁避免理论进行了研究。We study one of the key point in interconnection network, theory of deadlock-free.

本文设计一种具有可扩展性的双层并行光互连网络。A two-layer parallel optical interconnection network with expansibility was designed.

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1998年与太原市煤气公司煤气并网,成为太原市六大气源之一。In 1998, and the gas company, taiyuan city gas interconnection becomes one of six air.

所谓并网就是将发电机组连接到电网的过程。Interconnection refers to the process of connecting a generator to the electrical grid.

矛盾像首尾互接的鱼,在这个世界中长久地存活着。——落落。Contradiction as fore and aft interconnection of fish survives for a long time in the world.

设计一个具有旋转连接功能的双层并行光互连网络。A two-layer parallel optical interconnection network with rotary joint function was designed.

并网是个非常技术化的问题,但我们需要简单了解这个概念。Interconnection is a pretty technical issue but what's needed is straightforward to understand.

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通常,由不同变电站送电的线路之间无相互联接。Usually, there is no interconnection between the circuits energized by the various substations.

神经系统的复杂性部分地,体现在神经细胞间相互连接的复杂性Part of the complexity of the nervous system is the complexity of this interconnection of cells.

服务密度越来越大,并且各种服务之间的互连程度也越来越高。Service density is increasing, and the level of interconnection between services is also growing.