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血管内皮细胞分泌的强缩血管物质。Vascular endothelial cell excretes , strong vasoconstrictor.

它可直接对血管平滑肌作为一种强有力的血管收缩剂。It acts directly on vascular smooth muscle as a potent vasoconstrictor.

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最常被用作鼻血管收缩剂和食欲抑制剂。It is most commonly used as a nasal vasoconstrictor and an appetite depressant.

正常的血管张力要靠缩血管因子和舒血管因子之间的平衡来维护。The balance of vasoconstrictor and vasodilator can maintain normal tension of blood vessel.

医生准备了血管收缩剂,会在静脉点滴注射时加进去以防止流血。The doctor has ordered a vasoconstrictor. It'll be added to the intravenous drip to stop the bleeding.

目前用于治疗原发性高血压的药物中有几种是通过抑制交感性血管收缩的紧张度而起作用的。Several drugs currently used in the treatment of essential hypertension act by inhibiting sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone.

各种机转曾被报告过,包括促血管收缩物质,药物的刺激及神经荷尔蒙的影响。Various mechanisms have been reported, including vasoconstrictor substances, pharmacologic stimuli, and neurohumoral effects.

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急性失交感神经支配的皮肤或者肢端由于失去了交感性缩血管神经紧张作用,皮肤是温暖的。In acutely sympathetically denervated areas, the skin or extremity is warm because of loss of sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone.

内皮素具有强烈而持久的血管收缩作用,其与慢性心力衰竭的发生、发展及疾病的预后密切相关。Endothelin is a potent and long-acting vasoconstrictor. It is related closely to the occurrence, development and prognosis of chronic heart failure.

肾上腺素一种肾上腺素的药剂,c9h13no2,它是一种很强的血管收缩剂,可用于麻醉过程中减轻鼻充血、扩大瞳孔和稳定血压。An adrenergic drug, C9H13NO2, that is a powerful vasoconstrictor and is used to relieve nasal congestion, dilate the pupils, and maintain blood pressure during anesthesia.

结论视网膜中动脉可能与肾脏、脾脏的血流动力学变化有关,同样与组织学、门脉高压多普勒参数和血管收缩系统的活性有关。Conclusion CRA seems to be relate to the renal and splenic hemodynamics, also relate to the histology, the Doppler parameters of portal hypertension and the activity of vasoconstrictor systems.