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底毛为浅黄色或灰色。The undercoat is buff or gray.

缺乏底毛也是严重缺陷。Lack of undercoat is a serious fault.

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的短毛很厚并不能表明通过。The undercoat is thick and must not show through.

外层披毛为刚毛,毛质硬,内层底毛柔软浓密。It is a hard, wiry outer coat with a soft, dense undercoat.

绝不能讯断一只毛质柔嫩如丝也许没有足够底毛的犬胜出。Do not reward a dog with a soft silky coat and no undercoat.

底毛的数量受到季节和气候的影响。The quantity of undercoat is affected by climate and season.

黑色和茶色的狗的内层毛也可能是灰色或者茶色的。The undercoat on black and tan dogs also may be grey or tan.

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正确的猎犬被毛应该有坚硬的外层披毛和羊毛状的底毛。A proper hunting coat will show a hard outer coat and wooly undercoat.

库瓦兹犬拥有双层被毛,由外层披毛和柔软的底毛组成。The Kuvasz has a double coat, formed by guard hair and fine undercoat.

该底漆是稠密的,从一两英寸深,含油和茫然。The undercoat is dense, from one to two inches in depth, oily and woolly.

绒毛宽度是依赖于猫身上的部位而改变。The width of the undercoat is varies depending on where it is on the cat.

刚毛,毛质硬且直,紧贴身体,有一定的底毛。Hard, wiry and straight, lying close to the body with a definite undercoat.

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底漆,涂底料油漆之前,涂在某一表面上作准备的底漆或涂料。An undercoat of paint or size applied to prepare a surface, as for painting.

聚氨酯固化的环氧树脂涂料,氟树脂面漆的配套用中间漆。An undercoat for fluororesin coating based on epoxy resin and polyamide hardener.

底毛为清晰的亮银色,象在腿部、胃部、臀部、尾巴下面等。Undercoat is clear light silver as are legs, stomach, buttocks, and underside of tail.

举个例子来说,就是插图3的一只银虎斑猫。An example of distribution of the undercoat width was seen in a silver tabby in Figure 3.

在肮脏的奶油色的油漆剥落的墙壁,露出了开心果的绒毛。The grubby cream-colored paint is peeling off the walls, revealing a pistachio undercoat.

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如果底毛的颜色浅,这种阴影造成的效果是被毛看起来显得象在发光。As the undercoat is a paler color, the effect of this shading is a coat which appears to glow.

这种质量很高的羊绒出自于喜玛拉雅山羊身上的内层绒毛,这些羊是由半游牧的人饲养的。The fine wool comes from the undercoat of himalayan mountain goat, raised by semi-nomadic herders.

检查一般短毛地毯的密度和弹性,主要有两种方法。Check the density of general undercoat carpet and flexibility, basically have two kinds of methods.