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最后一种就是长传了。Lastly is the Long pass.

最后加入胡桃和葡萄干。Lastly add in Walnut and Raisin.

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最后加入阿叁水煮滚即可。Lastly add in assam juice and bring to boil.

最后介绍了一种新型的立体成像器的设计。Lastly a design of new stereoscope is introduced.

此外,还谈到了免洗助焊剂使用注意事项。Lastly discuss Points for attention of using no-clean flux.

最后洒入红椒及�粒,上碟。Lastly sprinkle in diced red chilli and spring onion. Dish.

同时会给予击退免疫。Lastly this ability will grant immunity to knockback effects.

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最后,她看到提到头发的那一句,心里觉得一阵恶心。Lastly she arrived at the tresses and felt a qualm of disgust.

最后应用枚举法,得到全局最优解。Lastly the global optimized solution can be got by enumerating.

最后但最重要的是,我们必须始终尝试原谅。And lastly but most significantly, we must always try to forgive.

福纳咨询公司房地产高级顾问杨子江说道。Funafuti senior adviser Lastly real estate advisory company said.

最后,读者如果买了这本指引,他们能从中得到什么?Lastly Barrie, what will readers get from this guide when they buy it?

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最后我们讲一些有关另一首很有名的英文歌的小秘密。Lastly we will learn some secrets about another wonderful English Song.

最后还研究了来滇游客消费行为研究的现状及存在的问题。Lastly there are the status quo and the problems in the study in Yunnan.

最后,斯奈德让你去正视在计划中必然出现的艰巨任务。Lastly Snider asks you to face the difficult task of planning for the inevitable.

看看我们如何把线轻微扭结给一个页面上略有曲线的印象。Lastly add some highlights down the middle of the pages and side of the bookmark.

最后让一个霎哈嘉瑜珈士来指导这个课程,结果是最好的。Then lastly with a Sahaja Yogi conducting the session, the results were the best.

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最后,家庭主妇平均享受休闲大约四小时。Lastly , housewives enjoyed approximately fifty-four hours of leisure, on average.

最后,一个短跑运动员,必须对发令枪声能做出迅速的反应。Lastly a sprinter must have a quick reaction time to the firing of the starting gun.

第三章提出了对司法能动扩张倾向存在的限制因素。Lastly it anatomies the reasons of the expansiveness of judicial activism in the WTO.