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但如果某一个标准定义得不恰当会发生什么情况呢?But what happens when you realize that one standard is inappropriately defined?

或者,假定某些东西是共享的,则入侵者是否可以不正当地共享某些东西呢?Or, given that something is shared, can intruders share something inappropriately?

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阿克毛反倒控告莎拉穿着不检点,法庭驳回了这一指控。Inturn he accused her of dressing inappropriately – a charge dismissed by the tribunal.

在全球范围内,约有一半药品被滥开处方,或胡乱配发,或出售不当。Worldwide, around half of all medicines are prescribed, dispensed, or sold inappropriately.

我知道不能不合情理的见人就抱但我对触碰不敏感了。I know I cannot go around inappropriately hugging people but I’ve got desensitised to touch.

一些病例中,病人还会变得易怒或者不安,有些甚至会开始变得行为不当。In some cases, people may become irritable or agitated, or may start to behave inappropriately.

其他学校允许女孩子穿裙子,同时又能确保她们不会穿着不当。Other schools manage to let girls wear skirts while making sure they are not inappropriately dressed.

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我们应该利用这些人遇难的机会不恰当地就政治和宗教问题发起讨论吗?Should we use these people's deaths as an opportunity to inappropriately debate politics or religion?

如果频繁的不适当的应用,不但效果不好还会伤害孩子。Used often or inappropriately , time-out may not only be ineffectual—it may be damaging to the child.

随后,刘德华为其在婚事上说谎而道歉,并说作为一个公众形象,自己的行为并不恰当。He later apologized for lying about his marriage, saying he behaved inappropriately for a public figure.

如果依据INR检测结果,你可能会不恰当地给予患者补充血浆。As a result if you are being guided by the INR you may be giving the such a patient plasma inappropriately.

因此,从文化活动中安息,就是不恰当地为它盖上属天的标记。Therefore, to rest from cultural activity would be to stamp it inappropriately with the heaven-bound label.

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很多时候在公众场合由于用词不当,最后只有直面尴尬。Many-a-times people have ended up using high-sounding words inappropriately only to face public embarrassment.

民众对裸体艺术展览反应失当的事件也时有发生。There have also been instances where members of the public have reacted inappropriately to displays of naked art.

然而慢性肺病的呼吸困难则被认定为不适当的剧烈程度活动所致。However, the dyspnoea of chronic pulmonary disease is recognized as inappropriately severe for the level of exertion.

共同危险行为的主体和主观构成要素的界定对于避免加害人范围的不当扩张具有重要的意义。It is significant for avoiding expanding victim's scope inappropriately to define the subject of joint dangerous act.

没有这样的结构,我们就还会继续看到对技术的不合时宜的使用,比如“游戏化”。Without such structure, we will continue to see cargo cults that inappropriately use techniques, such as gamification.

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现行法律对政府能够在不适当的运动和交易监测,匹夫有责。Current law puts the government in a position to inappropriately monitor the movements and transactions of every citizen.

一项新研究作出的结论说,在美国,有近三分之一的情况下抗生素被不合理地开给病人使用。A new study has concluded that antibiotics are prescribed inappropriately in nearly a third of cases in the United States.

不按规则跳舞的学生将会被要求离场,并在接下来的一整年内失去参加舞会的权利。A student dancing inappropriately will be asked to leave the dance. This may result in loss of dance privileges for the year.