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灵命的停滞会锈蚀心灵。Spiritual inactivity corrodes the soul.

死气沉沉,慵懒和沉默已经不行了。Lethargy, laziness, and inactivity is not okay.

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经过一段时间的休止之后锁定待机手机Lock idle devices after a period of inactivity.

当客户端固定服务器拴马是闲置拳打脚踢。Fixed server hitching when client is kicked for inactivity.

因麻痹或缺乏活力而导致的的状态。Inactivity resulting from torpidity and lack of vigor or energy.

冬天大地里这种死一般的静止仅仅是一种幻象。The deathlike inactivity of the winter earth is only an illusion.

在懒洋洋度过一天之后,看日落总是我们的余兴节目。All this inactivity is followed by the desire to watch the sunset.

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卸除束缚,或毫不作为流血致死。Remove the ties that bind. Or bleed to death from your inactivity.

我们假定在一段活动周期以后计算器将终止。We assume that a calculator will expire after some period of inactivity.

“不活泼张力比张力驾驶”,他说坏。"The strain of inactivity was worse than the strain of driving," he said.

如果让他远离各种表演展示,也只能造成它不活跃和倍感无聊。Keeping him out of the shows will only increase his inactivity and boredom.

什么都不做会让大脑无聊同时阻碍你实现目标的潜力。Inactivity idles the brain and stagnates your potential to reach your goals.

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试验证明,该多价灭活疫苗安全性好,免疫效果确实。The test proved that the polyvalent inactivity vaccine is safe and effective.

内心静默亦非懒散,而一种意念、知识与能力的状态。This is not a state of inactivity. It is a state of consciousness, knowledge and power.

这就得归罪于他们的生活方式,不良饮食及其锻炼的缺乏了And it's being driven by their lifestyle, and their diet, and their physical inactivity.

这些结果与不活动时膈肌蛋白酶解增加一致。These findings are consistent with increased diaphragmatic proteolysis during inactivity.

这个研究还发现,不运动还与心脏病和高血压有关联。The study also found that inactivity correlated with heart disease and high blood pressure.

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在滞留六个星期等待签证之后,今天是我骑车上路的第二天。It was my second day back on the bicycle after six weeks of inactivity as I waited for visas.

绝大多数参与者是与老龄、肥胖和不常活动有关的2型糖尿病者。Most of the participants had Type-2 diabetes, a disease linked to aging, obesity and inactivity.

在低频度的战争中,重大事件被长时间的、相对而言不活跃的时期间隔开来。In low-frequency warfare, significant events are separated by long periods of relative inactivity.