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建立了旨在分散风险的再担保机制。The double hypothecation mechanism is bulied for separate risk.

最后,研究动产抵押应关注抵押权实现的顺位问题。Lastly, realization order of chattel hypothecation shall be addressed.

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动产抵押制度重新焕发生命力得益于英美法系。The flourish of chattel hypothecation benefits from Anglo-American law.

办理版权质押往往耗时两三个月。It will always take two or three months to handle the copyright hypothecation.

登记对抗主义是多数立法例采纳的动产抵押的公示方法。The effectiveness of chattel hypothecation is on the basis of proper publication of real rights.

本法规定的担保方式为保证、抵押、质押、留置和定金。The means of guarantee stipulated by this law are guarantee, mortgage, hypothecation , lien and deposits.

被背书人依法实现其质权时,可以行使汇票权利。When having acquired the hypothecation according to law, the endorsee may exercise the rights to the draft.

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房产抵押权的实现对促进这一目标的实现,大有裨益。The implementation of house property hypothecation is beneficial to the realization of promoting these goals.

担保契约协议当提供贷款时允许经纪公司将账户内的证券作为抵押品。Hypothecation Agreement Allows a brokerage to use securities in an account as collateral when providing loans.

质押合同自股份出质记载于股东名册之日起生效。The hypothecation contract goes into effect as of the date the hypothecated shares are recorded in the stock ledger.

抵押物保险金为代位物,实现了抵押与保险的机制衔接,内涵特有的价值目标和利益平衡性。The insurance money of mortgage, as the thing subrogated, has combined the mechanism of insurance and hypothecation.

票据质押作为一种权利质押形式,由于其强流通性、高安全性而在实务中倍受青睐。Bill hypothecation as a form of pledge is very popular in practice because of its character of circulation and security.

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在同一标的物上既存在抵押权,又存在其他担保物权之时,应为多个物权的实现设定先后顺序。If hypothecation and other real rights for security exist in the same chattel, the realization order shall be considered.

证券登记结算机构不得将客户的证券用于质押或者出借给他人。A securities registration and settlement agency must not use the securities of a client for hypothecation or lending to others.

我国关于最高额抵押的立法极其简单,同时有些规定又很不科学,亟待完善。The legislation on maximum hypothecation in our country is very simple, and somewhat unscientific, so it should be perfected relatively.

抵押担保以其独特的制度构造,在债权担保体系中地位至为显赫,是世界各国担保法规定的重要担保方式。Hypothecation guarantee, featuring as its special construction of regulation, takes a great important position in claim guarantee system.

通过对几种学说的分析和比较,本文认为商品房按揭的法律属性是一种不动产抵押方式。Analysing and comparing several theories, the passages regards the legal character of house mortgage as a kind of hypothecation of real property.

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担保契约协议当提供贷款时允许经纪公司将账户内的证券作为抵押品。必须在开设空白账户时签署。Hypothecation Agreement Allows a brokerage to use securities in an account as collateral when providing loans. Must be signed when opening a margin account.

政府对股市不适当的角色定位,使得我国股市成为“政策市”,造成对企业的隐性担保格局。Secondly, the unsuitability role of government cause that the stock market become the policy market, and result in the hidden hypothecation of government to corporation.

贷款人有权依照本合同或本合同的从属合同的规定对抵押物、质押权利进行处分。IV. The Lender is entitled to stipulate the disposal of guaranty and hypothecation in term of contractual stipulations or the stipulations in the subordination agreement of the contract.