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我走向内地的原因有很多。My reasons to go upcountry are varied.

如果我有几天休息的话,我肯定会去内陆。If I have a few days break, I definitely go upcountry.

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次卧面积较大,向内推进1米。Second lie the area is larger, advance 1 meter upcountry.

车我觉得曼谷的道路比内地的差。Car I think roads in Bangkok are worse than that of upcountry 's.

你说过想在内地买房子,这个还是你的梦想吗?You said you wanted to own a house upcountry , is this still your dream?

所以,我离开而在内地工作的事实就是我的选择。So, the fact that I get away to make the program in upcountry is my choice.

如果他要到内地旅行,我会在家照看房子。If he has to travel upcountry , I stay home and take care of the house then.

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我一个人的时候开车去内地旅行,这不像为了工作而去确定的地点做调查。When I'm alone it is more like I drive to travel upcountry and not a location survey trip.

我当时很羡慕我那些毕业后在内地或在工业园区谋到职位的朋友。I envied my friends who got a job in upcountry or in the industrial estate after graduated.

我高中时就和朋友们一起去内陆旅行了,从那时起我就开始喜欢旅行。I started to travel upcountry with friends when I was in high school. I started to like it.

两个喇叭的向内扭转投射角度也要起码45度以上。Of two horns turn round projectile angle to also want at least upcountry 45 degrees of above.

我喜欢去内地,去山谷,穿过杂草丛生的起伏不平的路面。I like going upcountry , go to mountains, through rough grounds where there are full of grasses.

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由于生产效益十分显著,种植区域由上述地区向内陆省份延伸。Because manufacturing benefit is very distinct, grow area by afore-mentioned area upcountry province outspread.

在空间和格局答应的情况下,也可以自行打出这种类似的凹槽,向内拓展空间。Below the condition that allows in space and pattern, also can hit this kind of similar groove by oneself, extend a space upcountry.

养殖品种从单一向多品种养殖发展,养殖区域从沿海、向内陆及邻近省份扩大。Breed breed to breed development from odd all along much assortment, breed area to expand from coastal, upcountry and adjacent province.

这一次,作为YCT成员的带头人,我要参加许多活动,这些活动就是为了保护曼谷和内陆的自然环境。This time, as a leader of YCT member, I have to attend a variety of activities that involve with saving nature in Bangkok and upcountry.

“中国制造”转型“自有品牌”是我国经济从出口型转向内需型最现实的出路。"China is made " transition " have a brand oneself " it is our country economy from exit model turn to need upcountry model the actualest outlet.

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接下来一个比较重要的趋势是视频广告已经从纯广告向内容式广告来发展,这非常明显。Next a more fundamental trend is video advertisement has allowed type advertisement to develop upcountry from pure advertisement, this is very apparent.

向内作圆周运动,先腕关节,后肘关节,最后两臂伸直再活动肩关节,各做4次。Make circular motion upcountry , first wrist, hind ancon is articulatory, finally reprise of two arms unbend the shoulder is articulatory, each are done 4 times.

两个喇叭之间的距离与聆听者的位置呈一个正三角形,两个喇叭的向内扭转投射角度也要起码45度以上。The position of the distance between two horns and listen auditor shows triangle, of two horns turn round projectile angle to also want at least upcountry 45 degrees of above.