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如何成为一个调色师?。How do I become a Colorist?

那火红的颜色?我是说。,我打赌,她的色彩顾问是个受虐狂。That flaming red?I mean. I swear her colorist is masochistic.

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如果你的用色师抽离一个编织夹子和塑料瓶盖,其他人要重定时间表。If your colorist pulls out a crochet hook and a plastic cap, reschedule with someone else.

这些油画充分证明透纳不仅仅是一个水彩画家。These pulsating oil paintings made it abundantly clear that Turner wasn't just a water colorist.

我比较善于运用色彩。使用叙述性的内容来进行抽象是我最感兴趣的东西。I am mostly a colorist and I believe that abstractions with some narrative content are the most interest to me.

洪磊是一位新古典主义艺术家。他的作品往往色彩鲜明,构图简练。A colorist of remarkable intensity, Hong Lei arranges his motifs with a highly disciplined sense of composition.

将X战警中的女人的战斗制服换成晚礼服,试着在辨色专家来之前将他们分出来?Put the X-Men, and women, in evening dress instead of uniform and try to tell them apart before the colorist gets to them.

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当我大学的男朋友甩了我的时候,我径直走到我的“画家”,告诉他给我剪一个“分手金发”。When my college boyfriend dumped me out of nowhere, I went straight to my colorist and told him to make me 'breakup blond.'

著名设计师和知名调色萨沙卡根创造了一个独特的钩针参考,展示她独特的感觉。Celebrated designer and renowned colorist Sasha Kagan has created a distinctive crochet reference that showcases her unique sensibility.

带法国味的色彩师称之为“带黄棕色的巧克力色”,听来挺完美。The colorist called the color "chocolate with yellow brown touches" which right away sounded perfect, especially with her French accent.

我们向纽约梅尔维尔湖贵族美容厅享有盛誉的善用色彩的金发专家询问什么才是达到完美金发的色彩——他应该知道!We asked celebrity colorist and blonde expert Rick Wellman of Patrick Melville Salon in New York what it takes to get the perfect blonde hair color -- and he should know!

向凯利学习,为使棕色头发达到相同的效果,请要求你的染发专家用榛子色或琥珀色。Take a cue from Kelly Ripa, who added ashy-blond strands to her soft caramel base color. To get the same effect with brown hair, ask your colorist for hazelnut or amber highlights.