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这张柚木桌子的桌腿有凹槽纹饰。The teak table has fluted legs.

槽头螺钉的俯视图。Top view of fluted socket head set screw.

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我爱父亲,父亲的笛声最美。I love father, of father fluted the most beautiful.

缓歌慢舞凝丝竹,尽日君王看不足。Seeing slow dance and hearing fluted or stringed song.

法国的化学家们——理所当然是法国人——用槽纹玻璃杯试验了两种倒香槟的方式。Chemists—French ones, of course—poured champagne into fluted glasses two ways.

泰勒家的住宅在波洛克街上,就是那幢有高大的雕花柱子的白色屋子。The Taylor house is that white one with the tall fluted column on Polyock Street.

凹槽插口螺钉的俯视图。选择框代表螺纹直径。Top view of fluted socket head set screw. Selection box represents thread diameter.

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棱柱体是白色预制的混凝土,下面一个凹槽底座能够引入水平的光线。The prism is white prefabricated concrete with a fluted base able to introduce horizontal light.

枪管本身的轮廓和身份证重凹槽,以减轻重量,提高散热。The barrel itself has heavy contours and id fluted to reduce weight and improve heat dissipation.

潮汐和洋流雕塑出了沙子,并让水草根植于这片多彩并有凹槽的形状中。Tides and ocean currents sculpted the sand and seaweed beds into these multicoloured, fluted patterns.

沉重的槽桶帽突出这手牌的制作细节的精心书写工具。The heavy fluted barrel and cap accentuates the elaborate details of this hand crafted writing instrument.

单头“W”形螺旋槽管是在螺旋槽管的基础上开发出的一种新型强化管。The results show that comprehensive performance of "W" type spirally fluted tube is better than that of smooth tube.

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这些变化通常是受滚筒沟槽表面以及受其他纤维的挤压形成表面变形。These modifications are usually in the form of surface deformations from embossing by rolls, fluted surfaces, and other fibers.

论述了在薄板冲压件上,用变薄翻边冲制小螺纹底孔的工艺、冲模结构、设计与制作技术。Discuss punching small thread fluted opening technology, die structure, die design and die manufacture technology on thin sheet.

后来车队来到了干燥贫瘠的砂石山谷,山壁上的凹状石柱像是巨大的管风琴,风蚀的山岩形成了巧夺天工的雕塑。Then along arid valleys of sandstone, with fluted columns like giant organ pipes and eroded rocks forming fantastical sculptures.

试验结果表明,螺纹管冷凝器对双流体循环地热电站具有较高的传热性能。Results show that the spiral fluted tube condensers have higher heat transfer performance for binary cycle geothermal power station.

任一种扇贝科海洋软体动物,能自由游动,生有辐射状扇状双壳。Any of various free-swimming marine mollusks of the family Pectinidae, having fan-shaped bivalve shells with a radiating fluted pattern.

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水平螺旋槽管在传热与传质方面的优势已经在诸多工业领域得到应用。Due to the advantage of heat and mass transfer, Spirally Fluted Horizontal Tube is expected to have better behaviors in micro-combustor.

本文主要对螺旋槽丝锥的特性及M36螺旋槽丝锥设计中几何参数的研究进行论述。This paper mainly analyses the properties of spiral fluted taps and studies how to select geometric parameters of the tap M36 in design.

我可以合并被转动的腿、被吹奏的专栏和曲拱提出一个按客户要求设计的厨房的秀丽和做您的视觉现实。I can incorporate turned legs, fluted columns and arches to bring out the beauty of a custom designed kitchen and make your vision a reality.