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他在饼干上放了些奶酪。He put cheese on a cracker.

在饼干上涂一层黄油。Spread a cracker with butter.

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这就像一个全麦饼干沉着应战。It buckled like a graham cracker.

给我买些花生米和松脆饼干。Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks.

试试看全麦饼干或者一碗麦片。Try a graham cracker or bowl of cereal.

烘焙前撒上一层盐的薄脆饼干。A cracker sprinkled with salt before baking.

杰克的饼干裁决名人堂于1913年。El premio de los Cracker Jack fue incluido en 1913.

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他给饼干配上草莓果酱,让内奥米美食一餐。He let her feast on the cracker with strawberry jam.

是中国式的饼干,用米与虾肉做的。It's a type of Chinese cracker , made from rice and shrimp.

那是一盒玉米花生糖放在桌边吗?And is that a box of Cracker Jacks sitting on the side table?

石脑油是乙烯裂解装置的主要原料之一。Naphtha is one of the chief raw materials for ethylene cracker.

有时候我也喜欢吃带有鹰嘴豆泥的烤面包和饼干。I also sometimes just enjoy eating hummus on toast or a cracker.

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以一个攻击者的角度进行思考是防护代码的下一个步骤。Thinking like a cracker is the next step in defending your code.

大概是最有名的密码破解是约翰开膛手。Probably the most well known password cracker is John The Ripper.

首战是饼乾菲尔溪,托尼则戴夫章鱼?The opener is a cracker with Phil Hellmuth, Tony G, Dave Devilfish ?

在黄昏到托特纳姆作赛的足总杯四分一决赛重赛是一场破坏力十足的比赛。In the evening the FA Cup quarter-final replay at Tottenham is a cracker.

为了扩大他们的领域,黑客还可以安装一个以太网嗅探器。To expand their domain, the cracker may also install an Ethernet sniffer.

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并介绍了新型耐磨钢在破碎机锤头上应用的结果。In addition, application result for reaction of cracker hammer was introduced.

搅动花生黄油、全麦面包和枫糖,将其充分混合。Stir in the peanut butter, graham cracker crumbs, and maple sugar and mix well.

收银员已经被告知核对任何看似低于16岁以下年龄的顾客。Cashiers have been told to check the age of any cracker shopper who looks under 16.