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你为什么变了脸色呢?Why is your face downcast?

说出来吧,便说出口来,经忧伤的的双眼。Say it, now say it, the eye is downcast.

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坐在公园长登上的那个一脸沮丧的男人怎么样?what about that downcast man on the park bench?

“稍等片刻,”那职员说着,眼睛向下看去。"One moment, " the clerk said, her eyes downcast.

再没有什么比低垂着的眼睛更看得清楚的了。There is nothing which examines like a downcast eye.

“我也不知道”,她目光低垂,话语中带着几丝羞涩。"I don't know," she said shyly with her eyes downcast.

此外还有几种方便的方法可用于向下类型转换。Finally, several convenience methods can perform the downcast.

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新年刚开始几个星期,有一天萨拉放学回家时情绪低沉。A few weeks into the new year Sarah came home from school looking downcast.

于是妇人走去吃饭,面上再不带愁容了。Then she went her way and ate something, and her face was no longer downcast.

略带羞愧的悲哀表情是一种暗示着自己需要同情的安抚姿势。downcast expression of shame is an appeasement gesture that hints at a need for

这一天里,玛格丽特总是惘然若失,心不在焉,忧心忡忡。For the remainder of that day, Marguerite seemed preoccupied, listless, downcast.

其他犯人安静地坐在一旁,双手交叠地放在膝上,眼睛直瞪瞪地望着前方。Most of them walked with downcast eyes or staring blankly straight in front of them.

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六个光着脚的人列队走进学校的图书馆,他们面容凝重。The six barefooted men trooped into the school library, their faces uneasy and downcast.

她眼睛朝下看,嘴角下垂着,好像下一个张照片就是哭泣。Eyes downcast and lips pouted, she looked as if the next shot would have shown her crying.

皮埃尔垂下眼帘,正在喝着自己杯中的酒,他不去瞧多洛霍夫,也不回答他的话。Pierre, with downcast eyes, sipped his glass, without looking at Dolohov or answering him.

该隐变了脸色,因为他生气,因为神没有看中他的供物。Cain's face was downcast because he was angry, because God "did not look upon" his sacrifice.

突然,他在椅子上直起身来,努力赶走沮丧的情绪。Abruptly he Sat. upright in his chair and, with an effort of will, expunged his downcast mood.

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随后暴徒们扔掉了石块,于是耶稣才以无匹的道德权威说道“去吧,从此不要再犯罪了”。After the downcast mob dropped their stones, Jesus could say "go and sin no more" with unparalleled moral authority.

最后一天,我去幼儿园接安迪时,他垂着头,带着诡秘的微笑走向我。On the last day that I picked him up from nursery school, he walked toward me with downcast eyes and a secret smile.

他的眼睛不时向下看去,说“她整个身子向我靠过来,靠得非常近。”"She came very close with her whole body towards me," Hamdan said through an interpreter, his eyes downcast at times.