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戈比把自己的眼镜给了山羊。Gaby gives the goat her glasses.

戈比给山羊一些葡萄。Gaby gives the goat some grapes.

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你们好,朋友们。又是我——加比。Hello, friends. This is Gaby again.

尤文图斯为了后卫加布里埃尔-米利托接近萨拉戈萨。Juventus have approached Real Zaragoza for defender Gaby Milito.

我们想我们的材料是充分的,海因策还有未来。We think our case is strong and Gaby definitely has a future here.

Gaby回想起自己刚搬来时Eli帮着她结识新朋友。Gaby recalls how Eli helped her make new friends when she moved in.

“我知道加比,我看见过他在法国踢了两年,”德尚说。"I know Gaby , I saw him playing in France for two years, " said Deschamps.

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它由最好的血统盖比凡得那比和路易斯德利克斯生育出的。He is bred from the very best bloodlines of Gaby Vandenabeele &Louis Deleux.

拉齐奥中场穆丁加伊承认他知道利物浦正在追逐他。Lazio midfielder Gaby Mudingayi admits he's aware Liverpool are following him.

曼切斯特联教练弗爵爷已经澄清了海因策的合同条款。Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson has cleared up Gaby Heinze's contract terms.

我告诉过你我和汤姆认真考虑国你和盖比做潘妮的教父母?Did I ever tell you that Tom and I seriously considered you and Gaby for Penny's godparents ?

利物浦已经在留意后卫加比·米利托,萨拉格萨很愿意出售他兑换现金。Liverpool have been alerted to Real Zaragoza's willingness to cash in on defender Gaby Milito.

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拉齐奥中场木丁加一对于球队这个赛季的欧冠名额很有信心。Lazio midfielder Gaby Mudingayi is confident they can win a Champions League place this season.

穆丁盖伊透露说,他这个夏天拒绝了佛罗伦萨加盟了拉齐奥。Midfielder Gaby Mudingayi has revealed he rejected a summer switch to Fiorentina to join Lazio.

尤文图斯主教练德尚承认他对曼联后卫海因策很感兴趣。Juventus coach Didier Deschamps admits he's interested in Manchester United fullback Gaby Heinze.

他现在有机会和加比-米利托伊奇山药萨拉戈萨的中卫线。He was given his first chance to shine alongside Gaby Milito at the heart of the Zaragoza's defence.

前尤文球星安东尼奥利卡布里尼力劝他的老东家去争取曼联后卫加比海因策。Former Juventus star Antonio Cabrini has urged his old club to go for Manchester United defender Gaby Heinze.

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为了加强赛鸽队伍,他搜寻到了位于比利时登特吉姆的盖比凡得那比冠军鸽舍。In his search for reinforcement, his eye fell on the Belgian champions loft of Gaby Vandenabeele in Dentergem.

对于罗西教练来说这是一个严重的打击,同时佩鲁吉,塞里尼,和穆丁加伊也受伤了。It is a heavy blow for coach delio rossi , as angelo peruzzi , matteo sereni and gaby mudingayi are also injured.

“联合企业”是“盖比600”和顶级育种鸽,超级马克和迪克伊万斯血统鸽子,“钻石皇后”的直女。"Joint Venture" is a direct daughter from "Gaby 600" &the top breeding hen "Queen of Diamonds" Super M &D. Evans bloodlines.