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是的,我们有一个夜壶。Yes, we had a chamber pot.

并没有发现这样的密室。No such chamber has been found.

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是的,我想是回音壁那幅。Yeah, I think the echo chamber.

你在想我是坎特伯雷市的修道院长。This is the chamber of the abbot.

黄昏时候他到卧室里去了。At dusk, he went into his chamber.

法官不公开审理该案。The judge heard the case in chamber.

法官在法官室审理该案。The judge hears the case in chamber.

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他在1968年进入参议院。He entered the upper chamber in 1968.

皮布尔斯先生独自一人呆在房间里。Mr. Peebles was alone in the chamber.

我被带到了刑讯室去进行拷问。I was taken to a chamber for sweating.

世界级水平的室内乐演奏。World-class chamber music performance.

徒留红楼在梦中。Leaving the Red Chamber inside a dream.

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洛溪店拥有各类房型的客房101间。Lixi shop has various chamber rooms 101.

劳动后使用能量屋与身体的关系?Can I enter energy chamber after working?

主室的地面要挖平整。The main chamber should be level and flat.

请与珠孔的右侧作比较。Compare with the chamber wall on the right.

体制监察室徒有虚名等。The system monitor chamber is only in name.

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今晚会被带进毒气室吗?Will I be taken to the gas chamber tonight?

晚上,还有些朋友闹闹洞房。Night, still have some friends make chamber.

这户人家的室内装修真是没说的。The bridal chamber is sumptuously decorated.