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谢谢你允许我们前来致哀。Thank you for letting us come by.

这件女衫的腰身需要改小。The dress needs letting in at the waist.

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哇,你的气还没有消啊!Wow, you're not letting this go, are you?

让这事来烦你,你是有点傻。You are silly for letting this get to you.

让婴儿啜奶头没有好处。It's no good letting a baby suck the nipple.

不要让你的伴侣知道你喜欢什么。Not letting your partner know what you like.

你不能放下美丽的盖娅,不能放下美丽的日初。You are not letting go of the beauty of Gaia.

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你在挡路或你在允许它流动吗?Are you in the way or are you letting it flow?

白日梦是懒惰,总是让事情自己来临。Day-dreaming is lazy, just letting things come.

我们敬拜神,愿意神来爱我们。Part of worshiping God is letting Him love you.

他没告诉我一声就突然动身去了巴黎。Without letting me know, he kited off to Paris.

尽量让孩子自己喂食是有好处的。Letting the child do more self-feeding can help.

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所以,我不会允许任何人阻止我去做这件事。So, I'm not letting anyone make me from doing it.

放弃你是我所做的最愚蠢的事。Letting you go was the stupidest thing I ever did.

我们的态度是既往不咎。Our attitude is one of letting bygones be bygones.

问题在于,你总是拿得起放不下。The problem is you're just not good at letting go.

她不愿留短发,要把头发留长。She won't cut her hair short, she's letting it grow.

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在呼气的时候将所有的气完全地呼出,让自己所有的烦恼也一起呼出When you exhale, feel yourself letting go completely

他并不认为这是想让这位副总监脱离干系。He didn't think of it as letting the VP off the hook.

认识到这一点是第一步,学会释怀就是第二步。Seeing this is the first step. Letting go comes next.