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他们都来自安徽省。Both come from Anhui Province.

你在合肥念书,你是安徽人吗?Your school in Hefei, Anhui you people?

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我来自安徽省淮南市。I come from Huainan City, Anhui Province.

王平,字乔生,1971年生,安徽桐城人。Wang Ping, born in Anhui Province in1971.

安徽省YX县是贫困县,存在严重的财政困难。YX is a poverty county in Anhui province.

安徽省唇形科植物地理分布新记录。New recorded taxa of Labiatae from Anhui Province.

黄山。雍景台。景观设计。Huangshan. Robinson Place Landscape Design . Anhui.

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亦曾在安徽合肥的闷热天气中气喘如牛。And I’ve stifled in the muggy air of Hefei in Anhui.

产于安徽省灵璧县,因此而得名。Made in lingbi county, anhui province, hence the name.

安徽省唇形科植物地理分布新记录。The new recorded taxa of Labiatae from Anhui Province.

罗某,安徽人,在宁波开了一家服装厂。Luomou, Anhui people in Ningbo opened a garment factory.

标题安徽荛花属一新种和一新变种。A new species and a new variety of Wikstroemia from Anhui.

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安徽省安庆市望江县都包括哪些地方?。Anqing City, Anhui Province, where Wangjiang are included?

安徽武警总队医院是脱发治疗中心。Armed Police Hospital of Anhui hair loss treatment center.

我是安徽明光人,现在上海工作。I am from Mingguang Anhui province , and work in Shanghai.

安徽与河南省的一些发电厂已经关闭。In Anhui and Henan provinces, some power plants shut down.

20例死亡是发生在中国的安徽省阜阳市。The 20 deaths are in Fuyang city in Anhui Province, China.

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安徽经济已经有了三年的持续高速增长。Anhui economy had had abidance of 3 years high speed grows.

安徽武警总队医院是如何治疗牛皮癣的?Anhui armed police corps hospital is how to treat psoriasis?

下萨州与安徽省已结成友好省州关系。Lower Saxony and Anhui Province has become sister provinces.