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牛棚里一片血污。The cowshed was drenched in blood.

你还没有在牛棚里点上灯吗?Have you not lit the lamp in the cowshed?

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不一会儿,牛栏的门第三次打开了。Before long, the cowshed gate is opened three times.

编辑部被遣散,黄涛被关进了“牛棚”。The editorial department disbands , Huang Tao has been shut in the cowshed.

已经有计划在圣莫里茨牛栏和博德加在西班牙北部。There are already plans for a cowshed in St Moritz and a bodega in northern Spain.

鲜奶的卫生质量与牛舍卫生、牛体卫生等条件密切相关。As we know, the quality of fresh milk is closely related to the hygiene of cow and cowshed.

经方差分析检验,墙壁厚度对畜舍保温性能的影响显著。Using the analysis of variance, the impact of wall thickness to warming performance of cowshed is significant.

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目的调查惠州市柏岗村牛房各按蚊数量及种类分布。Objective To investigate the anopheles species and their population in cowshed in Bogang village of Huizhou city.

她喜欢这里一切,预定了录音室,并且还另外预定了一座有三张床的农舍,这座农舍就是由牛舍改建的。She liked what she saw and booked the studio plus a three-bed cottage on the grounds that had been converted from a cowshed.

目的奶牛乳腺炎是一种多因素诱发的疾病,对奶牛舍温、湿度状况与乳腺炎发病率的关系进行了分析。To confirm the coefficient correlation among the temperature, humidity and the bovine mastitis morbidity, the above-mentioned indexes were mensurated in cowshed.

在这一组家庭用的地块,因此定于一英亩,比其他组,以提供空间的牛栏和有关活动。Homestead plots in that cluster were thus set at one acre, twice as much as the other clusters, in order to provide space for a cowshed and the related activities.

方法用CDC诱蚊灯在人、牛房通宵捕蚊,对所获数据进行群落学特征分析。Methods CDC New Standard Miniature Light Traps were used to collect mosquitoes in human rooms and cowshed at night and analysis data by entomological community methods.

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但夜晚来临,你手中捧着点亮的灯火走去牛棚,我将瞬间再掉落地面,并且变回你的宝宝,然后求你说个故事给我听。When in the evening you went to the cowshed with the lighted lamp in your hand , I should suddenly drop on to the earth again and be your oen baby once more , and beg you to tell me a story.

即使人们已经熟悉迈克尔杰克逊生活中那些怪异扭曲的神话故事,但也很难相信在他去世前的一小段时间里他竟然住在爱尔兰乡下,住在一个改建过的牛舍里。Even in the context of the bizarre, twisted fairy tale of Michael Jackson's life, the time he spent living in a converted cowshed in rural Ireland shortly before he died takes some believing.