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例1—WebSocket升级握手Example 1—WebSocket upgrade handshake

同别人握手要显得亲切,不要冷若冰霜。Let your handshake be firm, not fishy.

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他来与我握手表示欢迎。He came to welcome me with a handshake.

我们握手达成协议。We clinched the agreement with a handshake.

我握住羊腿的关节部位,感觉又冰冷又湿润,就像在和验尸官握手。It felt cold and damp, like a coroner's handshake.

我笑着站了起来,并伸手出去和珍妮握手告别。I stood and smiled and offered Jeanine a handshake.

史塔生紧紧和他握手,尼克松对这一点印象很深刻。Nixon was greatly impressed by Stassen's firm handshake.

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晚上他就睡在车后座,跟别人达成握手协议。He slept in the back of the car and made handshake deals.

但是如果握手时过为绵软可能会让彼此交流出现障碍。But a handshake that is too soft may communicate weakness.

死鱼式握手流露出害怕与缺乏自信,这不专业。The DEAD FISH handshake shows fear and lack of confidence.

我一直在等待有人向我说明这个神秘符号。I kept waiting for someone to show me the secret handshake.

祖父走了出来,看着那人并主动伸出手来与其握手。Grandpa came out, looked at the man and offered a handshake.

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斯皮德热情地和我握手,说「今天谢谢你了,丹。」Gary gave me a warm handshake and said "thanks for today Dan".

他建议使用他所说的“百万握手”。He also recommends what he calls the "million-dollar handshake.

身材矮小的黄伟握手有力,态度随和。Huang is a small man with a firm handshake and an easy demeanor.

那个象征性的,抹消杜勒斯轻侮的握手恰如其分地发生了。The symbolic handshake that erased Dulles's snub duly took place.

所有的经理都会得到丰厚的退职金和养老费。The directors will each get a large golden handshake and a pension.

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此次握手将生成会话的加密参数。This handshake produces the cryptographic parameters of the session.

她和新女婿热情握手,欢迎他进入她家。She welcomed her new son-in-law into the family with a warm handshake.

在身份验证握手期间请求的加密类型What was the encryption type requested during authentication handshake?