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人在这个生态系统中作为主要的生态因素,造就了农业生态景观。Its ecosystem includes man as a major eco-factor thus becoming an agroecosystem.

第二,传统农业生态系统常处于氮约束和水约束状态。Second , traditional agroecosystem is usually at N-Limitation and water-limitation.

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介绍了农业生态系统的结构、功能、调控及理论应用。It also introduces the structure, functions, regulation and application of agroecosystem.

农田生态系统钾平衡研究对作物生产有重要意义。Then potassium balance studies in agroecosystem are especially necessary for crop production.

城郊农业生态系统是一类区域性鲜明、功能独特的生态系统。The suburbs Agroecosystem is a kind of ecosystem of distinctive regionalism and unique function.

以阿克苏地区为对象研究了该区农业生态系统中能量流动和物质循环的一般特征。This paper studies the general behaviors of energy flow and material cycle in agroecosystem in Aksu area.

本文对我国农业生态系统研究中工业能投入的折算方法作了扼要而全面的评述。A brief and comprehensive discussion was made to the method of calculating industrial input in agroecosystem studies in China.

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农田生态系统可以理解为是一个较大的景观区域,包括各种不同的作物生境和非作物生境。An agroecosystem can be understood as a large, landscaped area, which includes a variety of crop habitats and non-crop habitats.

农田养分平衡状况一方面从根本上决定着土壤肥力的发展方向,另一方面,影响人类的生活环境。The nutrient balance of agroecosystem is the result of a complicated dynamic process, which determines soil fertility and affects environment.

环境负载率的逐年上升加大了农业生态环境的压力,给农业生态环境带来了不利影响。The pressure of agroecosystem was strengthened with the increasing of environment loading ratio which made a negative effect on the agroecosystem.

农垦企业面临着提高经济效益和建立适宜的农业生态系统结构等极其重要的问题。The agricultural reclamation enterprises are confronted with the vital question of raising economic benefit and construction of oasis agroecosystem.

土壤生态系统是整个生态系统的重要组成部分,土壤生物尤其是土壤微生物多样性与活性的保持是农业生态系统健康和稳定的基础。Soil is an important component of the agroecosystem. Soil organisms, especially, microbes, are the foundation for the stability and healthy of soil system.

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本文旨在建立机理性强且模拟精度高的农田生态系统冠层光合与蒸散耦合模型。So it is the purpose of this thesis to establish an agroecosystem canopy photosynthesis and evapotranspiration model with strong mechanism and high accuracy.

运用市场价值法、替代工程法、影子价格法和机会成本法等方法对内蒙古阴山北麓风蚀沙化区农业生态系统服务功能的价值进行了经济评估。In this paper, the agroecosystem services and their economic value were estimated in wind-erosion region near the northern foot of Yinshan mountain in Inner Mongolia.

叙述了食用菌生物学特性及其在工农业副产品的综合利用和农业生态系统中的重要作用。In this paper, the biological character of edible fungi and their important roles for comprehensive utilization of waste materials and for agroecosystem were reviewed.

就害虫综合治理的研究而言,农田生态系统可以区分出作物生境和邻近作物的非作物生境。An agroecosystem can be identified as an area which includes crop habitat and non-crop habitat adjacent to the targeted crop for research on integrated pest management.

并在此基础之上提出如何保持生态平衡,使草地农业生态系统能够达到经济、社会和生态三盈,做到可持续的发展。Moreover, it brought about how to keep the ecological balance, make grassland agroecosystem live up to sustainable development as to benefit economy, society and ecology.

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如果农业生态系统,特别是生态脆弱区的系统服务功能得不到恢复与保护,那将会拖全球环境保护的“后腿”。Global environment conservation would lag behind if the regressive ecological functions of agroecosystem can not be restored or protected, especially in fragile agroecosystem.

黑龙江垦区具有丰富的农业资源,但是,由于多年来片面追求粮食产量和经济效益,农业生态系统破坏严重。Reclamation area of Heilongjiang is rich for agricultural resources. But the agroecosystem has been seriously destroying in recent years due to pursuing grain yield and economic profit.

本文论述了可持续农业生态系统分析与设计问题,重点探讨了反映持续性的功能指标和量化工作。以及国内外一些典型的可持续的农业生态系统设计模式。This paper discussed the analysis and design sustainable agroecosystem. Then studied the function-al indexes and how to measure, In the last, introduced some typical designs in the world.