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骑士啊,是什么苦恼你。Ah, what Can ail thee, wretched wight.

这些区别所带来的影响似乎让你非常痛苦。These discrepancies influence what is likely to ail you.

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如果你现在吃太多的垃圾食品,将来你会因此而苦恼。If you eat all that junk food now , you will ail tomorrow.

这台电脑已设计好程序接受任何一种或所有这些大众传播媒介的数据。The computer is programmed to accept data in any or ail of these media.

地球的伤口,可能甚至与在物质层上折磨你的身体部位有关。The wounds of earth may even be associated with regions that ail you in the physical.

整个夏天,我们一家人吃着花园种出的食物,欣赏着花园里的美丽花朵。AIl summer long,the family ate food from the garden and enjoyed the beautiful f1owers.

产品研发及非标设计加工能力在国内同行业中处于领先地位。The non-standard designing level takes the lead in the same craft ail around the nation.

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至少我作为浪漫主义者是很熟悉的,“骑士啊,是什么困扰了你?is at least as familiar to me, as a Romanticist, as "What can ail thee, knight at arms?"

全新的监管权力将会治愈困扰我们的病痛、纠正这些错误。To redress these wrongs, sweeping new regulatory powers will treat the infirmities that ail us.

它已被讨论的所有种类的人最喜欢的话题,年轻的和年老的,男人和女人。It has been a favorite topic for discussion among ail kinds of people, young and old, men and women.

对照组所有入选者均经详细问卷调查,以查明其疾病史并排除有肿瘤病史者。Ail of the recruits were questionnaire investigated to ascertain his diseases and to exclude tumours.

事实上,所补入的砂质物不足以在不整合面上形成连续的盖层。In fact, the av ail ables and is insufficient to form a continuous blanket overlying the unconformity.

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痛苦突然,他们醒,并且他们的责任专栏抵押债务和信用卡债务有很多。Ail of a sudden, they wake up and their liabilities column is full of mortgage debt and credit-card debt.

这样的网站提供所有困扰你的事情的信息。With web sites such as WebMD , iMedix , and Mamaherb offering information for everything that may ail you.

利用遥感图像的线性体统计数据进行塔北地区油气勘查十分有效。It is effective to make use of data from image lineaments in search for ail and gas in Northern Tarim basin.

介绍了一种工作在2。5V电压下、具有全摆幅输入与输出功能的两级CMOS运算放大器。This paper presents a two-st age 2. 5V CMOS operation al amplifier with rail-tor ail input and output ranges.

不要写得密密麻麻,如果你的客户需要花上10分钟以上的时间来读你的邮件,那就说明你的邮件写得太长了。Don't be verbose. If a client has to spend more than about 10 minutes just reading your ail then you've written too much.

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骑士啊,是什么苦恼你,这般憔悴和悲伤?松鼠的小巢贮满食物,庄稼也都进了谷仓。Ah, what can ail thee, wretched wight, So haggard and so woe-begone?The squirrel's granary is full, And the harvest's done.

如果你想找些本身意义重大但却又知者寥寥的缩写词好在你朋友面前炫耀的话,那最近你不妨记住“AIL”,它代表的是人造无机树叶。If you want to impress your friends with a little-known but totally epic acronym it is "AIL" the Artificial Inorganic Leaf.

父亲离家出走,母亲靠救济金度日,毒品、被捕、坐牢及那种欲振乏力的宿命感,他们都不放在心上。Not by the absent fathers, the mothers on welfare, the drugs, the arrests, the incarcerations, the wearying inevitability of it ail.