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“就像你对我那样,”我简短地说。Sort of the way you do me, " I said archly."

风间欣吾狡猾地看了水上三太一眼。Breeze Xin I archly saw aquatic three too one eye.

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当硪再来的时候,随便你怎样的狡笑吧。Then smile as archly as you like when I come again.

我知道你在想什麽!“那位老太太调皮地说。I know what you're thinking! " said the old lady archly ."

当然可以,我愿意试试,“嘉莉伶俐地说。"Of course, I wouldn't mind trying, " said Carrie, archly.

“她想要你杀了孩子。”泰米格斯特解释到。She wants you to kill the child, " Temigast explained archly ."

少女顽皮地微笑,眼里溢出欢喜。Archly the maiden smiled, and, with eyes overrunning with laughter.

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在印加最高统治者显赫的法庭旁一位母亲狡黠地为被俘获幼年王子们的生命做抗辩。Flanked by the splendor of an Incan monarch's court a mother of captured princelets pleads archly for their lives.

尤其能伸能曲的逊尼派与保守的沙特阿拉伯统治者长期视伊朗为危险的对手。The rulers of archly Sunni and conservative Saudi Arabia, in particular, have long viewed Iran as a dangerous rival.

“就像你对我那样,”我简短地说。我把仪器从实验室后面的树篱里抬到了上坡上。"Sort of the way you do me, " I said archly. I had carried the equipment up the slope from the hedges behind the lab shed.