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这项工作将有助于提高他的声望。This work will redound to his credit.

努力工作,回报父母,回报自己。Work hard to redound upon my parentsandmyself.

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此外,人道主义援助也能给美国带来收益。And humanitarian aid can redound to America's benefit.

她的成功将提高北京大学的声誉。Her success will redound to the fame of Beijing University.

这是一个回报率极高的市场。This is the market with extremely high Lv of one Ge redound.

我们懂得感恩,如果我们赢得比赛,我们会回报史密斯商学院。We know to owe , if we won the match , we will redound upon Smith Commercial College.

它可以预示产物的组成,有助于合成路线的设计。It can foreshow the constitute of products and redound to the design of compose routes.

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混合扩链剂有助于聚氨酯弹性体综合性能的提高。Mixed chain-extenders redound to enhance the overall performance of polyurethane elastomers.

希望你在自己追求高回报的盈利的时候,做好自己本分的工作。When hoping you seek the profit of tall redound in oneself, had done the work of own devoir.

我慢慢的实践着、慢慢的摸索、当然回报给我的是越来越多的喜悦。I slowly carrying out, slowly fumble, of course what redound gives me is more and more joyance.

施用粒肥有利于谷壳的物质积累,对谷壳大小影响较小。Top dressing at heading would redound to substance accumulation of hull, but have no effects on hull size.

有助于软件项目发起者对软件开发商的选择与决策。It can redound to the chosen of the software developing company and the decision-making of software outsourcing.

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有利于扩大我国农产品的国际市场份额,有助于资源的有效配置。Entering WTO also would enlarge the extend quotient in international market, redound resource availability collocate.

设计有助于品牌塑造和市场营销,这已经是不争的事实,它理应为白酒产业更好的发展出谋划策。This firm fact that design redound to construct brand and market design should give counsel to develop the industry better.

凡事都是为你们,好叫恩惠因人多越发加增,感谢格外显多,以致荣耀归与神。For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.

丁磊预计先期养殖的1万头生猪,可能很快就能带来第一笔回报。Ding Lei predicts 10 thousand live pig of in advance breed aquatics , the likelihood can bring brushstroke redound very quickly.

对技术的蜂巢式发展模式的研究,可以克服己有研究存在的某些不足,有助于推进技术创新本质研究的深化。The research of the honeycomb mode can cover some deficiencies of existing studies, and redound to the technovation of the study.

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“尽力尽智、至善至美”,“尊重生命、回报社会”的服务理念深进人心。"Endeavor wisdom, reach the beauty to be apt to " , "Society of esteem life, redound " popular feeling of service concept development.

以承诺高额回报为诱饵“打白条”和出具公司收据等方式骗取消费者的钱财。With acceptance redound of high specified number is bait " dozen white " and issue the means such as company receipt the gold of diddle consumer.

目的用切眉制成的真皮垫结合硅胶假体行隆鼻术,探讨自体真皮在美容外科的应用。Objective With cutting dermis pad of eyebrow and silicone prosthesis to redound nasal tip, to probe into application of body dermis in cosmetic surgery.