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女性病人常有闭经。FemaleThe patient often has amenorrhoea.

朋友突然性闭经怎么办?How does abrupt sex amenorrhoea do the friend?

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小学闭经是未能建立月经。Primary amenorrhoea is the failure to establish menstruation.

中学闭经意味着妇科失常或一般事业或疾病。Secondary amenorrhoea implies a gynaecological disorder or a general cause or disease.

功能性闭经怎样用黄体酮针剂治疗?How does functional sex amenorrhoea use treatment of injection of corpus luteum ketone?

严重卵巢炎症也可破坏卵巢组织而致闭经。Serious and ovarian inflammation also can destroy ovarian organization and send amenorrhoea.

传统的战略性贸易政策理论是建立在封闭经济基础上的。Traditional strategical trade policy theory is to build what sealing amenorrhoea aid foundation to go up.

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根据不同性质的肿瘤出现不同的有关症状,但多有闭经的表现。Appear to concern a symptom differently according to not congenial tumour, but the show that has amenorrhoea more.

个别可出现轻微的锥体外系症状、溢乳、月经失调、闭经。Can appearing individually is breast of symptom, excessive outside slight cone, MenstruationMaladjusted, amenorrhoea.

年轻女运动员,在体育比赛或紧张的训练过程中出现的闭经,称为“运动性闭经”。Young sportswoman , in the amenorrhoea that appears in sports match or nervous training course, call " motility amenorrhoea ".

对于成年女性,脂肪的过度减少会不知不觉地造成停止排卵或症状明显的闭经。To manhoodFemale, adipose excessive reduce can imperceptible ground to cause stop the amenorrhoea with oviposit or apparent symptom.

患者厌食,严重消瘦、闭经,其他甲状腺、肾上腺、性腺、胰腺等功能都低下。Patient anorexia, serious and angular, amenorrhoea , the function such as other thyroid gland, adrenal, sexual gland, pancreas is low.

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在许多情况下,作为在女孩的青春期之前,或在怀孕期间,哺乳或绝经期,这是正常的,也是所谓的生理闭经。In many cases, as in girls before puberty, or during pregnancy, breastfeeding or the menopause, this is normal and is called physiological amenorrhoea.

血寒所致之月经病,常见者如月经后期、经来量少、痛经、闭经等。Of hematic cold be caused byMenstruationIll, common person be likeMenstruationLater period, classics will measure little, dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea to wait.

不论是原发性和继发性闭经,其发生的原因既有共同之处也有不同之处。It is former hair sex and amenorrhoea of afterwards hair sex no matter, the account that its produce has collective place to also have different place already.

由于霉酚酸酯在预后以及闭经和感染带状疱疹病毒的风险与硫唑嘌呤比较没有明显的区别,所以也可用于维持治疗。Compared with AZA, MMF also is an alternative for maintenance therapy of severe LN without significant difference in the prognosis or risks of amenorrhoea and herpes zoster.

两年前,一位李姓女患者闭经近半年,年龄约50岁左右,因yindao有少许血性分泌物,怕是怀孕流产来医院检查。Two years ago, a female patients amenorrhoea close half an year, asked the age of about 50 or so, for with a little bloody vaginal secretions, afraid to hospital inspection.

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若肝气郁滞,疏泄失常,则常见经行乳胀、经行心烦、经行善太息、经行情绪抑郁、月经先后无定期、痛经或闭经等。Be like sluggish of gloomy of diseases with such symptoms as coastal pain, sparse release is wrong, MenstruationWait without fixed, dysmenorrhoea or amenorrhoea early or late.

如果有条件还应争取服药,因为长期闭经易使妇女骨骼中骨量丢失加速,而引起骨质疏松症。If still should be striven for conditionally, take drug, because long-term amenorrhoea makes metatarsal quantity loses woman skeleton easily, quicken, and cause an osteoporosis.

宫腔粘连,术后闭经或经量显著减少,有时伴周期性下腹疼痛或有子宫增大积血。Uterine cavity adhesion, postoperative amenorrhoea or by volume, sometimes with significantly reduced periodic lower quadrant abdominal pain or have the uterus increases hemorrhage.