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你考试完成的真快啊。You finish the exam so quicky.

他会鞠躬,然后给他们一个次品。He is going to bow and give them a quicky.

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我们将在48小时之内迅速支付!Remember we make a quicky payout in 48 hours!

暴风雨袭来,人群很快地四散了。The crowd quicky melted away when the storm broke.

光阴似箭,而我们所拥有的时间又极其有限。Time flies quicky and the time we have is quite limited.

大灰狼好快就追到去猪三屋企。The big bad wolf also got to the third little pig's door quicky.

博卡打了一场非常漂亮的比赛,防守有序,进攻迅速。Boca played a very good match, defending with order and attacking quicky.

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画面迅速闪现大礼堂的窗户似乎碎裂了,不过我不敢肯定。It quicky shows what looks like the windows of the Great Hall shattering , but I'm not sure.

到餐馆时,餐厅效劳员会很快把你要的食物送到你的车门前,然后你就可以在在别处就餐了。At restaurants waiters and waitresses will take your food quicky to the car door so that you can eat elsewhere.

它耐高温达到H级,固化速度快,贮存周期长,挥发率低。It can be quicky cured and resisted high temperature for class H in a short curing time and low evaporation losses.

本文从五个方面.用较通俗的语言对量子算符作了些解释.以望能对理解量子物理有所帮助。We give five explantations for quantum operators from diferent sides with popular language expecting to help one to comprehend them quicky.

有些人走进我们的生命,有些人停留了一会儿,在我们的心里留下足印,因此我们不再和以前相同。Some people come into our lives and quicky go. Some people stay for a while and leave their footprints on our hearts, and we are never ever the same.