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英格兰是他忠心的藩属。England was his faithful tributary.

这是珠江的一条支流。This is a tributary of Zhujiang River.

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因为他们被告知这是附庸国必须要做的。Tributary states must do as they are told.

支流注入大江之中。The tributary debouched into the big river.

元代高丽朝贡贡期考。Three, Yuan Korea Tributary cycle research.

是雅鲁藏布江最大的一条支流。Is a tributary of the Brahmaputra's largest.

渭河是黄河最大的一级支流。The Weihe River is a largest tributary to the Yellow River.

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北石店河的支流主要是司徒河。North Stone River tributary of the main shops are Situ River.

如新罗一样,渤海国是中国唐朝的属国。Like Silla, Parhae was a tributary state of Tang-dynasty China.

宗藩体制是中国的传统的外交体制。Tributary system is the traditional diplomatic system of China.

先前在诸省中为王后的,现在成了进贡的。She who was a princess among the provinces Has become tributary.

第三章主要介绍唐长安城内的外蕃僧人。At last, introduce tributary people of living in Chang-an city state.

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东亚地区长期存在着一个以中国为核心的封贡体系国际秩序。A tributary system centered round China had long existed in East Asia.

渔夫在幼发拉底河一条狭窄的水道——哈法尔水道中。Fishermen in the Hafar Canal, a shallow tributary of the Euphrates River.

八道分支激光束在中央放大结点汇聚。The eight tributary laser beams converged at a central amplification nexus.

这个公国在16世纪成为了奥斯曼帝国的附属国。The principality became tributary to the Ottoman Empire during 16th century.

到底什么是纳贡体制,它将使中国成为什么样的国家?What was the tributary system and how will it shape China's future behaviour?

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薛西斯王向陆地及各海岛的居民徵税。And king Assuerus made all the land, and all the islands of the sea tributary.

支沟中泻溜的分布状况与主沟分布状况十分相似。The distribution in tributary gullies is quite similar to that in main gullies.

第二章主要论述唐长安城内的外蕃贡人。The second chapter discusses foreign tributary people inside the Chang-an city.