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我欢欣雀跃地宣布。I joyously announced.

然后他就能快乐地死去。Then he can die joyously.

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那么你是要来的喽!"Then you'll come!" she cried joyously.

在你的脑海中快活地自由遨游。In your imagination swim freely, joyously.

要么快乐地生活,要么高兴地分手。Either live joyously or say goodbye joyously.

我们每天都在快乐地进步着,这就是岚海!We grow up joyously day after day, and this is Lhave!

我带给你们爱,正如我们一道沿道路快乐地行走那样。I bring you love as we joyously walk along the path together.

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他们的朋友,仁慈的主,正在欢乐地与他们游戏。Their Friend, the Lord All-merciful, joyously plays with them.

这些稀有的情鸟往往是并翅成双成对地边飞边引吭歌唱。These rare love birds pair off wing to wing and sing joyously.

这些稀有的情鸟往往是并翅成双成对地边飞边引吭歌唱。These rare love birds pair off wing to wing and sing joyously.

伊娃兴高采烈地指着那些塔尖,圆顶和路牌Eva joyously pointed out the various spires,domes,and streetnameplates

祝贺的人群随即开心地游走起来,与亡者的遗骸一同起舞。The celebrators then joyously trotted about, dancing with the bones of the dead.

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“餐厅桌子上还给你留了一片呢。”她满心欢喜地告诉他。"There's a slice for you on the dining-room table, " she informed him, joyously.

它作为结尾的三一颂,邀请万邦万国一起来敬拜至高的耶和华。It serves as a closing doxology which invites all nations to joyously worship the Sovereign Lord.

家庭愉快地重逢,和夫人W的访问感到高兴现场的途中,以进一步传播。The family joyously reunites, and the Mrs. W's visit the happy scene en route to further travels.

“萨班节”是塔塔尔族特有的传统节日,蕴含着丰富的文化内涵。Saban festival is only celebrated joyously by Tatar people and has plentiful cultural connotations.

在今天这光辉的日子,爱被人们用无数的方式一遍又一遍、欢乐地表达着。In the radiance of this day, love's presence is joyously expressed again and again, in countless ways.

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我们一起满怀喜悦地庆祝了新中国60华诞。Over two months ago, we joyously gathered together in celebration of the 60th anniversary of New China.

与家人分开时,她甚至欢快地吹着口哨,而不顾家人痛哭涕零。She would set off whistling then, joyously abandoning the screams and tears of her family falling apart.

首先寻求快乐,然后所有你能想像到的成长将会快乐而丰足地来到你的你的生活中。Seek joy first, and all of the growth that you could ever imagine will come joyously and abundantly unto you.