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那男孩已长大,不再有稚气。The boy has outgrown babyish habits.

他们对他说,哭是幼稚的。They told him it was babyish to cry.

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没有比闷闷不乐更幼稚的事了。There is a no more babyish thing than a dump.

突然,莉莉婴儿般的嗓音吸引了我。Suddenly It'struck me that Jellybean sounded babyish.

我真是幼稚,太低估菲菲了。I am really babyish , too underestimate luxuriant and beautiful.

明年,长胡子的熊将在后方产一头可恶的小崽。Next year the barbate buck will bear a baby babyish in the rear.

在哪里摔倒,就在哪里大哭大喊,那是幼稚。In where trip, cry to cry greatly greatly where, that is babyish.

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卡通并不代表幼稚,我们享受的是烹饪中的乐趣。Cartoon is not represented babyish , what we enjoy is the fun in cooking.

直到现在,这种尝试都还很幼稚,很不完善。Up-to-date, this kind of attempt is very babyish still, very not perfect.

行为幼稚、愚蠢、零乱,精神症状丰富易变。Behavior is babyish , foolish, messy, mental symptom is rich and changeful.

可能以会说我幼稚、愚蠢,如果你这么说,我也同意。Maybe you will say me babyish and foolish, I'll agree with you if you do so.

旧的幼嫩稚气的桌面被商业友好的桌面取代了。Old young tender babyish desktop was replaced by the desktop with friendly commerce.

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情绪迟钝或易激惹,缺乏羞耻感,或出现幼稚性欣快。The mood is stimulated slow or easily offend, lack ashamed sense, or appear babyish sex glad is fast.

他们都有过人的才能和胆识,只是在政治上却显得天真、幼稚。They have outstanding ability and courage and insight, just be in political appear innocent however, babyish.

这是孩子们的浴室,屋主说“活泼可爱但不幼稚,可以用十二到十五年”。This is the bathroom of children, house advocate say " lively and lovely but not babyish , can use 12 to 15 years ".

并不想去游行这位母亲边说话边下了车,让我帮她看一下孩子,去买点东西吃。We just don't wish to go said the mother, abrogation us to apperception her babyish while she went to buy some food.

回家的路上,我的脑海里又一次闪现出那张淡妆轻描略带稚气女人的脸。On the way home, in my brain again lighten out that piece weak makeup the face that light draw takes babyish wife slightly.

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女人的性感有很多种,浓的、淡的、邪气的、稚气的、成熟的、青春的、贵族化的、平民化的。Feminine sex appeal has a lot of kinds, thick, weak, of evil influence, babyish , mature, green, the noble changes, civilian changes.

许多稚气未脱的孩子也穿上了高乔人传统服饰,加入了骑马游行的行列。A lot of babyish the child that did not take off also put on dress of tradition of tall Qiao Ren, joined the procession of equestrian parade.

窗帘和床褥宜采用活泼而不幼稚的图案,表现出生活的轻松与舒适。Curtain and appropriate of bed cotton-padded mattress use lively and not babyish design, those who show the life is relaxed with comfortable.