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谁是最终的控制者?Who is ultimately in control?

最终美国的赋税将会增加。Ultimately US taxes will be higher.

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怎麽样才能根本地解除罪报呢?How can we ultimately eliminate sin?

他的急燥卤莽最终导致了他的毁灭。His rashness led ultimately to his ruin.

他所开列的书目最终成为了教会的政策。His list ultimately became church policy.

克里斯蒂夫妇最终于1928年离婚。The Christies ultimately divorced in 1928.

母熊最终没能捕猎成功。The bear's hunt was ultimately unsuccessful.

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超级电网将最终连接欧盟各国。Supergrid will ultimately link all EU states.

这是最终摆脱贫困的途径。That’s ultimately the pathway out of poverty.

他的讼诉案是在庭外解决的。Ultimately his suit was settled out of court.

最终使实际ZMP更好地跟踪目标值。Ultimately ZMP tracking error is small enough.

我认为这很明显,它最终只是循环论证。I think ultimately it pretty clearly is circular.

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当然,所有这些终究只是推测。Of course, all of this is ultimately speculation.

委员会最终采纳了他的建议。The committee ultimately adopted his suggestions.

花时间去自我怀疑真的是纯粹的浪费。Spending time in self-doubt is ultimately a waste.

问题是,最终是谁在这里后悔?The question is, Who is ultimately repenting here?

最后,这让他们都跑在了红牛之队的前面。Ultimately that got them clear of the Toro Rossos.

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难道这不就是你们最终想要得吗?A-A-And isn't that what you ultimately want for us?

但那些东西最终是超出你控制的。But those things are ultimately out of your control.

监狱改革合乎规律、大势所趋。The jail reform goes ultimately along with the rule.