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我们减持了厄瓜多尔债券。We took an underweight position in Ecuadorian bonds.

厄瓜多尔人民珍视同中国人民的友谊。The Ecuadorian people treasure their friendship with the Chinese people.

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古铁雷斯说,厄瓜多尔政府坚定奉行一个中国政策。Gutierrez said that the Ecuadorian government upholds the One China policy.

到1998年,德士古公司的网站都已经批准,厄瓜多尔政府签署了一项全面的释放。By 1998, all of Texaco's sites had been approved, and the Ecuadorian government signed a full release.

厄瓜多尔尔的官员调查了加拉巴哥岛自然预备品的53个海狮的残杀。Ecuadorian officials investigated the slaughter of 53 sea lions in the Galapagos Islands nature reserve.

是否要求厄瓜多尔政府采取必要措施?Will the Chinese government request the Ecuadorian government to take necessary measures in this regard?

加拉帕戈斯象龟现在已经被列为濒危物种,自1970年以来被厄瓜多尔政府严格保护。The tortoises are now listed as endangered and have been strictly protected by the Ecuadorian government since 1970.

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卡利什和费歇尔探访期间,有一名与阿丘阿尔人相熟的厄瓜多尔人充当向导和翻译。During each of Kalish and Fisher's visits, an Ecuadorian man familiar with the Achuar served as guide and translator.

如同所有僻远之地,当你身临其境时,厄瓜多尔丛林深处的纳波河就显得那么真实,甚至有中心要地的感觉。Like any out-of-the-way place, the Napo River in the Ecuadorian jungle seems real enough when you are there, even central.

厄瓜多画家欧斯瓦多的画作在阿根廷展出,作为纪念,一起来看看。An exhibition of Ecuadorian artist Oswaldo Gua- yas -amin's work, is being shown in Argentina. We'll leave you with these images.

目前,即将在今年2月14日进入欧洲市场的巨型玫瑰正被栽培在厄瓜多尔海拔9000英尺的肥沃土壤中。The roses, some of which should make it to Europe in time for the 14th, are grown in rich Ecuadorian soil at an altitude of 9, 000ft.

如果一个国家让外国士兵进驻不会有问题,那他们当然可以让我们在美国设立厄瓜多尔军事基地.If there's no problem having foreign soldiers on a country's soil, surely they'll let us have an Ecuadorian base in the United States.

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10日晚,在厄政府干预下,示威者已释放被扣押人质,并撤离被占设施。On the evening of 10th, the demonstrators released the hostages after the Ecuadorian government intervened and left the seized facility.

这种无肺蝾螈靠皮肤呼吸,是RAEI小组在厄瓜多尔森林发现的三种类似种群的一种。This lungless salamander, which breathes through its skin, is one of three similar species RAEI scientists spotted in Ecuadorian forests.

此案真正开始下滑时,雪佛龙离开厄瓜多尔法院指派一个独立的专家评估环境损害。The case truly began slipping away from Chevron when the Ecuadorian court assigned a single independent expert to assess the environmental damages.

温家宝还对厄历届政府所奉行的一个中国的政策表示赞赏,并向客人介绍了当前中国经济形势。Wen expressed appreciation for the Ecuadorian government's adherence to the One China policy and introduced to the guest China's economic conditions.

他说,中国是厄瓜多尔的好朋友,厄瓜多尔政府希望进一步加强与中国的政治和经贸关系。He said that China and Ecuador are friends and the Ecuadorian government is willing to continue strengthening political and economic links with China.

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因为我们担心厄瓜多尔经济已经高度依赖于一个单一的商品——石油——而且我们还看到厄瓜多尔不断增加的政治风险。We had a concern that the Ecuadorian economy has become highly dependent on a single commodity –oil –and we also see rising political risk in Ecuador.

纽约布鲁克林警方正全力通辑三名犯罪嫌疑人,三人于上周日恶意玫击一名厄瓜多尔移民,致其头部重伤而亡。Brooklyn authorities are searching for three people they say launched a vicious attack on an Ecuadorian immigrant early Sunday, leaving him brain-dead.

除了2-0击败诺维奇之外厄瓜多尔人本赛季已经好几次打后卫了,因为球队也是面临着伤病的问题。The Ecuadorian has been employed in defence several times already this season to cover for injuries, most recently in last weekend's 2-0 home win over Norwich.