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这是非常糟糕的混合”。It's a very mushy hybrid.

请看混合式工作空间。Enter the hybrid workplace.

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为什么创建混合式集群?Why create a hybrid cluster?

混合式集群的先决条件Prerequisites for a hybrid cluster

黑玉西瓜为小果型西瓜一代杂种。Heiyu is a small watermelon F1 hybrid.

于是,这张专辑,是一个混血产物。The album, then, is a hybrid creation.

这是电油混合版的比亚迪F3。This is the hybrid version of BYD's F3.

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嫁接嵌合体是嫁接杂种的一种类型。Graft chimera is a form of Graft hybrid.

这种新的混合策略被称为GASA算法。This novel hybrid scheme is called GASA.

美国需要一部新的,混合性法规。America needs a new, hybrid set of rules.

独角兽和飞马令人生畏的混血。Formidable hybrid of unicorn and Pegasus.

极早熟纯薄皮甜瓜杂交种。Extremely thin skin melon hybrid early pure.

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为杂交稻制种高产提供了理论依据。These afford theory for hybrid seed produce.

“杂交”可以说是弗里达绘画的一个总体特点。Hybrid is a general feature of her paintings.

袁博士种植了被人称作超级杂交水稻的稻谷。Dr Yuan grows what is called super hybrid rice.

在术语里,杂交就意味着非纯种。The hybrid does not, in the jargon, breed true.

这种混种的番茄又大又甜。This kind of tomato is a large and sweet hybrid.

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DeGette自己也拥有一辆凯美瑞混合动力车及一辆凯美瑞家用旅行车。DeGette also owns a Camry hybrid and Camry wagon.

洛玉941是个丰产潜力比较大的玉米单交种。Luoyu-941 is a high-yield potential hybrid maize.

没错,事实上是两种方式合而为一。That’s right, it is actually a hybrid of the two.