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还有一种罕见的U型骶骨骨折。Rarely, there may be a U-shaped sacral fracture.

目的探讨骶骨脊索瘤的外科治疗方法。Objective To discuss the surgical methods of sacral chordoma.

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犹太人的圣物-烛台为作品赋予了代表性的意义。Sacral Jewish object Menorah lends some symbolic meaning to the picture.

女性的生理构造中,骶骨与骨盆的连结比男性少一点。A woman's anatomy allows one less sacral segment to lock with the pelvis.

目的探讨骶管内蛛网膜囊肿的诊断和治疗。Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of sacral arachnoid cysts.

目的研究三种骶骨螺钉植入法的生物力学性能。Objective To analyze biomechanical property of three methods of sacral screw.

发育不良性脊椎前移是由于先天性骶骨或L5椎弓异常所致。Dysplastic spondylolisthesis is due to a congenital sacral or L5 arch anomaly.

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无骨性椎管狭窄,但是在下腰部和骶椎层面硬膜囊增宽。No bony canal stenosis, but a widened dural sac at lower lumbar and sacral level.

低位的骶神经受压产生疼痛,和坐骨神经痛是不同的。And compression of lower sacral nerve roots produces pain unlike that of sciatica.

结论骶管阻滞能降低小儿七氟烷最低肺泡清醒浓度。ConclusionsThe MAC-awake of sevoflurane can be reduced by sacral block in children.

常被忽视,骶骨骨折应被视作骨盆环的一部分。Commonly overlooked, sacral fractures should be considered as part of the pelvic ring.

治疗方法包括限制负重、卧床、口服镇痛药和穿戴骶骨腰围等。Treatment includes limited weight-bearing and bed rest, oral analgesics, and sacral corsets.

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相关损失可能包括骶髂关节分离和不常发生的骶骨骨折。Associated injuries may include sacroiliac joint diastasis and, less commonly, sacral fractures.

目的探讨骶管蛛网膜囊肿的临床特点及治疗方法。Objective To explore the clinical characteristics and the treatment of arachnoid cysts in sacral canal.

犬马尾和骶神经根的解剖特征与人类不同。There are some difference in anatomical character of cauda equina and sacral roots between dog and human.

目的对骶椎肿瘤切除重建的研究进展进行综述。Objective To review the literature about the development of resection and reconstruction of sacral tumors.

对盆底器官的运动神经支配效能,均存在着右侧骶神经根大于左侧的特点。For both lower urinary and gastroenterology, the right sacral roots provide more innervation than the left ones.

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目的观察骶神经电刺激治疗女性膀胱过度活动症的疗效。Objectives To assess the efficacy of electric sacral neuromodulation in patients with female overactive bladder.

无论是诊断还是治疗,骶椎肿瘤对于经治医师来说都是颇具难度的挑战。Sacral tumors pose significant challenges to the managing physician from diagnostic and therapeutic perspectives.

目的探讨骶管内蛛网膜囊肿的发病机理、临床特点及治疗方法。Objective To evaluate the pathogenesis, clinical features and therapy approach of arachnoid cysts in sacral canal.