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他犯下了滔天大罪。He committed a flagrant crime.

他们犯了什么罪?What crimes have they committed?

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他犯下了严重罪行。He has committed a serious crime.

她专心从事科学事业。She committed herself to science.

天知道我犯下了什么罪孽。God knows what sin I have committed.

我们未必矢志坚持任何硬性方案。We are committed to no rigid formula.

他为非作歹,罪恶滔天。He has committed many towering crimes.

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他犯了一个令人遗憾的错误。He has committed a regrettable mistake.

这个人犯了判国罪。The man committed the crime of treason.

影星阮玲玉自杀身亡。Film star Ruan Lingyu committed suicide.

是你出现了第一个双发失误。Q. You committed the first double-fault.

我有何德何能让你委身于我。I can let you have He De committed to me.

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我决心过一年身无分文的日子。I committed to a year of cashless living.

那名球员是蓄谋犯规的。The player committed an intentional foul.

1978年安德烈·拍耶芒自杀。In 1978, André Paiement committed suicide.

以色列人犯了拜偶像的罪。Israel committed sin of worshipping idols.

她犯了罪过,爱错了人。She committed the crime of loving wrongly.

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他犯了罪,却让我替他背黑锅。He committed crime but let me hold the bag.

我身上的罪孽已经够重了。I have committed enough sins in this world.

它已经承诺提供长期经济援助。It has committed to long-term economic aid.